Even the pre-schoolers are like, 'I watch you on The Jonas Brothers.' And my own kids. I have been in the greatest movies, even some for kids, and they were never impressed until I did 'Jonas L.A.'

Basically, I start my morning off with a Bustelo coffee made in a mocha pot - the Bialetti. I warm some milk on the side, on my stove, and I add one teaspoon or half a teaspoon of real sugar. I have two of these every morning. Even when I was pregnant.

I was born and raised in Queens and moved into the city as a young adult. Then I ended up acting and decided to run off to California.

I'm a chocoholic. I need chocolate every day, like one little piece of Droste. I'm not into milk chocolate. But I don't like it when its super bitter. I need a sweet factor in there. I go for the 75 percent - that's good enough for me.

I look great because I'm happy.

Well, you know, I have always had an issue with the whole weight thing with people in general because I happen to love how big women look. I mean, it's all a perspective. It's all an opinion, and I think sort of the Rubenesque, voluptuous body is a lot sexier than the boney bag of bones with fake everything.

I have this fear of coming across as a Barbie doll who got lucky. Style is a big part of who I am, but it's not who I am. Ya know?

My wrists, which are tattooed with my daughters' names, are always occupied by a watch.

Life is just too short to count calories forever!

The kitchen is the heart of every home, for the most part. It evokes memories of your family history.

A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares.

That's my business, show business.

I loved to party with the Rat Pack; they were so much fun.

We were very poor, and I entered a talent contest as a young teenager because if you entered, even if you didn't win, they gave you a free blouse.

So many things that happen to you are so dreadful, it's important to have a sense of humour.

Everyone I dated was gay.

Liberace - or Lee, as us friends called him - was great. He was gay, you know.

Gene Kelly was a little tough, and he used to yell at me on the set.

I loved music and dance, and that was exciting to me.

The truth is I loved an audience.

I have very poor taste in men, and I married all the wrong men.

My marriages have been one of the greatest voids in my life.

It seemed that I was more interested in raising my children, not in pursuing my husbands.

I'm an Aries and sort of a challenge to myself.