Everything about the studio was enormous. You walked through the gates of iron, and it was palatial looking. The first day, I was introduced to Clark Gable. He said, 'Hello, kid. Welcome to MGM. I'm just leaving.'

Gene Kelly was one of the greatest dancers of all time and a taskmaster. He sought from you the absolute best - and he got it.

You don't get there the easy way. If you feel sorry for yourself, and you let yourself go down, you will drown.

I'm going to stay on stage until I drop dead. Then I'm going to have myself stuffed, like Trigger, and I'm going to put me in a museum.

You all know who she is. There's very little she isn't.

Well, one of the things I did was recreate her home in my home.

I wanted to get that sense of peace and even boredom that comes with long familiarity.

I wanted to be as comfortable in that environment as she was. I moved around those areas in character.

I miss the movies. Still, I understood that my kind of movie has had its day. I thought it was over for me.

I had the sets that meant so much to this character built - right in my home, especially the kitchen, which was important both for her character and for your introduction to her when Albert comes to visit.

I stopped making movies because I don't like taking my clothes off. Maybe it's realism, but in my opinion, it's utter filth.

I'm a sucker for a good movie.

The only way to make it through life is to fight.

I'm 78. We've lost a lot of our great stars. I can't hang out with those who aren't here. The phone service to Heaven is so bad, you know. But I get to visit with their memories.

I think it's one thing to be able to dance, and it's another thing to learn all the wonderful moments of dance because in my day... it was the moving of dance.

My husbands all repeatedly said the same thing - that I was not a very passionate woman.

I loved Fred Astaire's way of dancing. He led you into the dance.

Robert Wagner was my greatest crush.

I never thought I would live this long.

I've had to walk through a lot of my tears.

I don't think you can ever be bitter about anything, because if you don't allow your heart to stay open, then all you have is a filled heart of hate and bitterness, and you're never able to love or like anybody.

I can pick good food, but I can't pick a good man.

I had a normal life; we didn't meet movie stars. We lived in Texas where you had rollerskates, and if you got a bicycle, that was a very big gift.

In life, I'm like Molly Brown. I've had tough times along the way and gone through experiences that many women have gone through. But I ain't down yet.