There is no freedom in peaceful slavery.

Bill O'Reilly is smooth. He's one of very few broadcasters I know who can squeeze a weeks-long news cycle from one incident and make it entertaining regardless the time stamp.

Our Founding Fathers, regular men who did great things together, established this system along with other regular men.

Bureaucrats want you to think that the system is too complex because they want you to be stupid about it and uninterested in it. They work very hard to create as many levels as possible away from the simplistic government our Founding Fathers formed for one simple reason: they don't want you to know what they are doing.

The Left has done a remarkable job marketing themselves as being the party for minorities when every single policy they put forth, from education to employment, has done more to harm these communities than to help.

When taxes go up, tithing goes down. When the government assumes the role of the shepherd, the power of churches is diminished. It's another way to attack religion and for the state to eradicate it from society.

Most evangelical Christian conservatives I know would at least be uneasy about the prospect of the government picking up the slack of caring for the poor due to Christians' abdication of their role in society as dictated by Scripture.

People always choose self-preservation over the greater good, most of the time, with the belief that self-preservation is the greater good.

If we don't want intrusive government, then we need to care for the least among us so that they are not exploited as a reason by the government for bigger government.

I can't count a single conservative of my acquaintance that doesn't include charitable work in their list of priorities.

It's difficult to expect kids not to bully one another when they don't have many examples otherwise in society.

The Gen X generation never got past 'Reality Bites,' apparently, and my generation, the Gen Yers... Facebook? Maybe a conservative revolution?

I think 'astroturfing' goes against the conservative creed because it violates the desire we share to be self-sufficient, and this is understandable, something with which I agree.

I'm a weensy-government conservative from the Midwest, Christian, mother of two, homeschooler, and my hobby, profession, and passion is news.

Though I work in broadcasting and host a daily radio show, I got my start in print journalism.

I don't know if I ever believed in the infallibility of a journalist's objectivity, but I definitely stopped flirting with the notion as a young adult.

Facing fewer subscriptions, ratings drops, et al., media is catching on: people don't want endless editorializing. They want the facts, Jack. If you're going to be op/ed, at least be up front about it.

Too many people on the Left think that, when you move a chunk of money away from people for entitlements, that the money magically reappears and that discretionary spending will be unaffected.

Conservatives are either stupid or brilliant. Pick a narrative, leftist MSM. You can't have it both ways.

The NAACP ignores the wellspring of racism from within its own ranks, daring to brand anyone who disagrees with the standard they bear for the plantation-politics Democrats as 'white nationalists.'

My particular rule of thumb is to allow disruptors to let their flags fly. If they want to stage a stunt, who cares?

The most dangerous thing a member of Congress could do is to ignore the citizenry who have taken up the mantle of reporting since they weren't getting the truth from the co-opted mainstream outlets.

The Left puts their stock in substance and lives on identity and figureheads. It will be the end of the Right to do the same.

Elected office was never intended to become its own industry; it was to be filled with common men who, by way of still having jobs and families back home, maintained the connection to the problems of average, everyday people and thus could better serve.