The tea party wants to empower people with opportunity and the freedom for the individual to pursue success and keep the fruits of their success.

I'm a Christian, a wife, a mother, a homeschooler, a conservative, a citizen journalist, a talk radio host, an insatiable music nerd who plays a poor rhythm guitar, a blogger, a proud granddaughter of a sailor, and a proud tea partier in awe of the potential and the people in this movement.

I think that God has blessed each of us with innate gifts, and if I've demonstrated any ability to not stick my foot in my mouth on air or in the written word, then I will take that and stand for liberty on the right side of God.

I began as a writer and started blogging in 2001, first on politics, anonymously.

I have a sustained distrust for all politicians, even those with whom I agree on more issues than not.

I couldn't reconcile being a progressive feminist with being the mother of a male: advocating for policies that discriminated against him and targeted him simply for his sex, advocating an ideology that was a direct contradiction to my role as a mother to protect and nurture my child.

Steve Bannon puts himself above everything.

Meryl Streep is at the apex of Hollywood, and it is ludicrous for anyone to think or for her to expect anyone to think that she was completely ignorant of Harvey Weinstein's serial predation of women.

What battle has ever been won by staying in camp and talking to your fellow soldier?

People like me who are here in flyover country, we're tired of East Coast moderates.

I think Ted Cruz does a really good job; he's a rabble-rouser and thinks outside of the box.

You can have a good time and kick some butt - they're not mutually exclusive.

My faith, my family, my friends - that's where I get my strength.

I've had friends who have experienced pretty horrible things, some pretty brutal things, and survived. And I know that they and I would never want them to be without the ability to defend themselves.

Conserving the individual is the basis of conservatism. It is classical, de Tocqueville liberalism.

We are all sinners.

Evil is real.

I take gun rights very personally.

I wanted my kids to be able to look at their mom and be like, 'She can take care of herself.'

We're going to fisk the 'New York Times.'

Faith without works is dead just as a movement without works is also dead.

We are all people who have messed up. I fall short every single day.

The tea party movement has challenged the GOP to get back on track or risk losing its grip on the right wing. It's reminded Democrats that a slick marketing campaign coupled with paid activism isn't the same as a groundswell of real change, and the reason that Democrats are so hostile towards it is because they've never before encountered it.

As a kid spending weekends in the Ozarks, I remember my granny's preacher shaking his fist, his jowls waving in the wind not unlike a bloodhound's, excoriating the congregation and condemning it to hell.