I've blogged since 2001 and was first attracted to the medium by its wild-west aesthetic, if simply telling the truth that corporate media wasn't telling could be so rebellious as to be defined as 'wild west.'

The brilliance of Andrew Breitbart is that he has created thousands of Andrew Breitbarts.

Where's the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?

Even if feminists tear down the bogeyman patriarchy and dominate men in all areas of life, they still won't be happy because deep down, they'll know it's a false victory. Achievement obtained by lowering your opponent to your standard as opposing to rising and surpassing their standard of output isn't achievement. It's mediocrity.

We either believe in accountability or we don't.

If actual victims of discrimination had to wait on the NAACP to see them to justice, they would never get help.

It's easy to talk a good game in an echo chamber, it's easy to witness to people who think exactly the same way you do, but to test your convictions by going outside your comfort zone is where the ideological battle needs to go.

Liberty is never fully paid off, and to be deserving of it, one must be willing to fight for it on the battlefield, in the halls of Congress, by involving yourselves in your communities. Such a struggle is not a burden, it is a privilege.

Conservatives always knew that the Left made a concerted effort to dominate in the entertainment field because it's such a fabulous way to plant the seed of an agenda. Sugar helps the medicine go down, as does seeing it on the silver screen or hearing it in a catchy pop hook.

If you cannot commit several hours per week to maintain the liberty that others afforded you, then you, by your inaction and silent voice, abet those who seek to destroy it.

I often think that the Greatest Generation gave birth to the Crappiest Generation, the stinky hippies with their slacktivism and demand for government welfare in the name of freedom.

Palin may be a polarizing figure, but she's more than just a 'political personality.'

Crying white mothers are ratings gold.

The difference between Koppell and Olberman types is that one gives editorializing in all its editorial frankness so there are no mistakes as to bias, and the other passes off a subtler bias as objectivity.

Beta males and females historically fare poorly in anchor positions, and whoever has the dominate, or more alpha, personality will always win out in spoken word count simply because they don't wait for an opening.

We are a richly blessed nation; let's not squander that - one of the worst things we can do is not gratefully acknowledge our abundances.

We can't disrespect, by way discounting or misunderstanding our different sticking points, the beliefs of the various groups comprising the tea party movement, but we all have more in common with each other than we do with factions on the Left: the communists, the socialists, the say-they're-anarchists-but-are-actually-socialists.

When the media goes state and becomes nothing more than an echo chamber for the government, the task of sharing truth falls to the original keepers of liberty: the American people.

I view it as a threat to my and my family's well-being whenever anyone seeks to erode or take away my Second Amendment civil liberty.

The fallout from Wikileaks is incomparable to 9/11, the U.S.S. Cole, numerous embassies, et al.

Evil is evil, and it doesn't discriminate by dress. Some evil people in the headlines wear designer suits and wing-tipped shoes.

I studied dance for about 15 years, various disciplines, with classical ballet as my primary.

We must heed the call of action and, with courageous steps and humble hearts, work against tyranny.

The U.S.-Israel relationship is so important.