Media, politics, women, family, friends, good relationships, bad relationships, all inspire me.

There are a lot of men who like women with a brain.

I personally feel my equation with Varun Dhawan is on a different level. I share a great rapport with him. He is very charming, matured, and he knows what to say when.

Some relationships get easier as you get older, depending on what sort of person you are. I don't think I've got any better at them.

When you become a father, everything changes.

Ray Allen is one of the fittest guys in the league.

My four years in college, I cherished very much the opportunity to be able to stay at home.

A lot of things have happened that I wish I could have just walked away from. But you wind up saying, 'This is what it is - how does it get better, or how does it affect you, or how can you influence it in a positive way?'

The biggest difference between college and pros is a lot more games and better competition day in, day out. You don't really have any nights off.

My game hasn't changed too much. I'm doing the same things as I did in college, except I'm outside more. It's tough to go inside in the pros because the players are bigger.

I've played a long time and had success in a lot of areas. The one thing that eludes a lot of us is a championship. The teams that get there have guys willing to make adjustments, to sacrifice. I'm willing.

Being injured helps you appreciate your health in general.

When you play injured, you're still judged like you're 100 percent. You know you can't do all you want to, but you want to get back to help your teammates.

Being a great basketball player is only part of who you are.

If you asked a baseball pitcher from the '50s what a middle reliever was, he'd laugh at you. In the '50s, everyone pitched complete games.

In life, you always look at the total picture, not just a segment of it.

Being around greatness is always a thrill.

Whatever you wind up doing in life, things aren't handed to you.

It takes a lot to be a good player. It takes a lot to be a winning team.

The older you get, you can't take time off as much as you'd like to.

I just always loved the game and really loved playing the game.

I always felt most at home on a basketball court, dating all the way back to when I was growing up in Brooklyn.

As for my speed, I'm not the fastest, but just like in other sports, you learn to stay away from your weaknesses and make more use of your strengths: my shooting ability, court awareness, rebounding, and helping out defensively.

I have read that I was a Bill Bradley type. I wish I was a Bradley. He was one of the best. He helped his team win two championships, and that's the ultimate.