When I reach the line, I just know I'm going to dribble the ball twice, and when I shoot, I know it's going in. I get there and relax. I've put more in than I have missed, so in my head, I know they're going in.

I'm not going to jump over or muscle people. That's the way I've always played, the only way I know.

I guess I get the most notoriety from my shooting. But I like passing and movement, making the game easy.

Everybody's dream is to win a championship, but not everyone gets that chance. The only thing you can do is make sure you don't look back and have to wonder whether you did everything you could have done. I know I'll be able to look back and feel I had a good, honest career.

I just try to enjoy each day.

I learned that struggle was part of life.

So many things in sports are out of your control, so I really don't look too far ahead.

An opportunity to help a team to a championship would be very appealing.

It's important to have an imagination.

I liked living with my brothers. It was cozy.

Basketball's fun; it really is. Because I've done it all my life.

I like to take the floor apart mentally. I like to visualize an opponent going for you.

I don't know if people understand - losing is tough.

I grew up a Met fan.

New York - to me, it's the greatest city in the world, and it's got the most genuine people.

I would say this: no matter what style you play, at some point, the team that beats you, people are going to say, 'I guess your style doesn't work.'

If you don't get better, staying the same is probably not good enough.

I think everyone would like to have that one guy who gets triple-teamed, and he throws it to an open guy, but there aren't many of those guys around.

What you do is build your team around your core. Some teams have one main guy - not many, but some do - and you build around that. If you have a bunch of good players, that's another way to go about it - through depth, teamwork, defense, and fundamentals.

I don't envy these kids these days. Between Instagram and Twitter... the easiest thing is just take your phone off the hook, and you're good.

My family's been coming to my games since I was in grade school.

I poked Kenny Walker in the eye by accident. Every time I saw him, I used to apologize to him when I saw him in the NBA.

To me, you have to take your schedule and just take things one game at a time.

The basketball experience that I have, you can use in different areas, but coaching itself, you have to go out there and learn on the fly.