"Our goal is very simply to become the desktop for e-businesses."

"A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others."

"I thought we could have had four or five (goals) in the first but you don't. You let them hang around and then they took the game away in the second."

"Obviously we'd love to score six or seven goals but we don't do that. You're not going to beat people easy."

"That's what's haunted us all year, the inability to score goals."

"I know (Michigan) State hasn't scored a goal in three straight NCAA games. But this group ? they do what they need to do."

"What's haunted us all year is our ability to score goals. I thought that was a game where we could have gone up by certainly at least two, maybe three."

"Our goal for the second half of the year remains double-digit earnings growth,. However, given the current economic environment this will be difficult to achieve, ... We expect earnings growth in the second half will show improvement over the first half of this year as we leverage our sales and market share gains, but the growth may not meet our original goals."

"Our goal is to have a full and fair debate vote in September, ... If Judge Roberts is to be confirmed, we'd like to have him on the court by the time it goes back into session Oct. 3."

"You've got to play to stay. Starting in the tournament, you've got to set your goals and refocus."

"I think they understand how important the game against Duke is if they want to achieve their goals, ... Duke is a very good football team, it's not like they offered any of our guys scholarships."

"We set some aggressive operational and financial goals in the middle of last year, and I'm pleased to report that Fairchild has delivered impressive first-quarter results, ahead of our expectations."

"We remain committed to our gross margin improvement goals that have us reaching 30 percent in 2006 and mid-30 percent in 2007. Our focus in 2006 is on improving our product mix, delivering more new leadership analog and integrated power products while reducing our exposure to lower margin standard products."

"Science becomes dangerous only when it imagines that it has reached its goal."

"You can't get work without working."

"The coach's job is to be part servant in helping each player reach his goals within the team concept."

"If you do what we ask you to do, the victories will belong to you, and the losses to me."

"If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals."

"People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine."

"If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings."

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor."

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals."

"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there."