I know people fear me when they see me in their mirrors. It's a good position to be in because they know they need to defend to the limit.

Music is how I unwind. I love going to see bands or DJs at a festival or a dive bar. My taste is pretty diverse.

With racing, there's not one thing you need to be really strong at, it's a combination. You need a good base of cardio, good core, good neck strength. I think core and neck are the most important, but it's certainly not my favourite. Neck training is pretty boring.

I will always find a way to find a positive from things.

In the end, you have to just pull the trigger. Trust the car, trust the brakes, just go.

I was a huge boxing fan, but it's a sport where the guys punch each other in the head. I thought maybe I shouldn't be a fan of that anymore. Maybe I shouldn't allow myself to cheer a sport where the head injuries are a big part of it.

Me and my dad never talked racing. We just didn't. I wouldn't go up and ask him about that unless I wanted to upset him.

I always thought, if I wasn't racing, one of my dream jobs would be as a scout, going town to town and trying to find bands in all these little dive bars. That would be so much fun, discovering music that way as opposed to from your phone.

My first concert was Chicago and Moody Blues. I was 15 years old.

I'm a big fan of music. I need to be listening to music most of the time during the day.

I don't like going on stage. Stages mean 'nervous' for me.

You form pretty strong opinions about the guys you compete against. You're all very competitive; you're all very selfish. So it's easy to drum up some strong opinions in a second's notice, like, 'Argh! This guy!'

A. J. Allmendinger is really hard to pass. He races really, really hard for every position. And you know, that's his right. But it's very frustrating at times.

The first win was racing my Late Model at Myrtle Beach. It was twin 50s. We'd usually run a 100-lap feature, but it rained the week before, so they split the next weekend in half and made twin 50s. And I won the first one.

I think that any time you share a secret, you're a little nervous about people's reaction to it.

I love stock-car racing and NASCAR. I kind of take offense to anybody who has any cross words about it. It's kind of like your brother. You can talk all the crap you want about him, but you won't let anyone else do it.

I'm a big fan of Myron Mixon. I've read a couple of his books, and I've learned the little bit that I know about barbecue from those books.

I had a couple of chances to go inside the broadcast booth when I was out of the car in 2016 and loved it a lot.

I don't think any of us knew the dangers of repeated concussions or the fact that even when you got a concussion, the idea to go get treatment for it never entered our minds. We just didn't have - we weren't educated enough. We were really ignorant to it. I would get concussions in my early 20s racing, and it was a bit of a badge of honor.

Sometimes, you know, you - drivers are worried about being misdiagnosed and maybe missing a race when they don't really have a concussion. But you can never take the risk there. It's just too dangerous to layer concussions.

I think that our personalities and our souls have so much - we're so much more than just blood vessels and bone and muscle.

I know a lot of Cup Series champions, and they each have a very different personality. They all go about handling adversity, their challenges, and even confrontation a little differently.

When someone tells me they've never been to a race, I tell them that the first one they should go to is Bristol, Tennesee. The shape of the track, the energy, and excitement under the lights is similar to what you might get at a stick-and-ball game in college football or the NFL.

I like Joe Buck. I know there's a big divide on people that like Joe Buck and people that don't like Joe Buck. But I love his cadence and tone and professionalism, and he's smart.