"I'm not a strong cook. I can do the crockpot; that's about it."

"You can't become another person if you're not self-aware."

"I'm gonna start off somewhere small like London or England."

"I can't go anywhere without someone judging me."

"I wanted to be myself. Only myself."

"I absolutely loathe luxury. It is the one thing I cannot stand."

"For all that "I was lost, I am found," it is probably more accurate to say, "I was really lost, I'm a little less so at the moment."

"It's been phenomenal, but everybody keeps congratulating me on my resurgence and my big comeback. I haven't been away, guys. I've been working steadily for the last 63 years."

"I am just a tiny person in Africa, but there is a place for me, and for everybody, to sit down on this earth and touch it and call it their own."

"I am perplexed"

"The more necessary anything appears to my mind, the most certain it is that I only assert a limitation."

"I've written this to keep from crying. But I am crying, only the tears won't come."

"I hardly ever talk- words seem such a waste, and they are none of them true. No one has yet invented a language from my point of view."

"Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy."

"Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike."

"People have the idea of missionaries as going out with the Bible and hitting natives with it. It's not really what they were doing. They were all doing something rather different."

Sarcasm and compassion are two of the qualities that make life on Earth tolerable.

“I talk to myself,” he had once explained to his minder. “I have conversations with myself. I debate with myself.” He remembered smiling. “Sometimes I even win the arguments.”

I do not have an act. I just do Eartha Kitt... I want to be whoever Eartha Kitt is until the gods take me wherever they take me.

I have to keep testing myself.

I never identified with anybody. I have always been very sensitive about my color, because everybody called me 'yellow gal.' I was caught in between both sides - nobody wanted me. I love that my audience is there, but I always feel as though I have to fend for myself.

I don't carry myself as a black person but as a woman that belongs to everybody. After all, it's the general public that made me - not any one particular group. So I don't think of myself as belonging to any particular group and never have.

I stayed on my own path and did not follow the herd. I made a way for myself.

I wouldn't bother to describe me. I'm Eartha Kitt.