There is no was.

Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.

The Earth is what we all have in common.

To me, Paul Scholes was in a class of his own.

Don't call me a Postmodern!

The crowd is the veil through which the familiar city beckons to the fl�neur as phantasmagoria-now a landscape, now a room.

Fools commit suicide and think they're doing themselves a favor.

She is a moron and too dumb to menstruate straight. --perhaps the best line from Shooter

Honor sinks where commerce long prevails.

An ambassador is not simply an agent; he is also a spectacle.

There will never be an end To this droning of the surf.

After the leaves have fallen, we return To a plain sense of things. It is as if We had come to an end of the imagination, Inanimate in an inert savoir.

Firing the sunset gun

I've always been a Nike person.

For drink, there was beer which was very strong when not mingled with water, but was agreeable to those who were used to it. They drank this with a reed, out of the vessel that held the beer, upon which they saw the barley swim.

Deja Vu All Over Again

Nobody comes here anymore, its too crowded

You don't need a prince to be a princess

When a hideous man becomes a father And a son is born to him In the middle of the night He trembles and lights a lamp And runs to look in anguish On that child's face To see who he resembles.

The Spirit Tower has its guardian, but unless it understands who its guardian is, it cannot be guarded.

All men know the use of the useful, but nobody knows the use of the useless!

I'm more of a guy's girl. I like having a beer in a bar, and I don't bicker or sit down and do my nails.

The varicolored cloud dust that the sun has stirred up in the sky was settling by slow degrees.

Anybody depending on somebody else's gods is depending on a fox not to eat chickens.