Women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer can learn a tremendous amount from women who have already been treated.

It is important to democratize personal genetics and make it more accessible.

Physicians should be genotyped.

Fashion was never my forte.

All the kids from my nursery school are still in touch.

Why should I need a prescription to spit into a vial and get my DNA read? Why can't I get my own blood drawn without a doctor's permission? It's my blood.

It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts.

On April 19 1943, the Bermuda conference gathered, with the participation of representatives from Britain and the United States, in order to discuss saving the Jews of Europe. In fact, the participants did everything in their power to avoid dealing with the problem.

But there's one thing we are not going to compromise at all: when it comes to security of Israeli citizens and the State of Israel, there are not going to be any compromises - not now and not in the future.

There's a lot of schlock out there.

No one has ever drowned in sweat.

It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test.

You'll never get ahead of anyone as long as you try to get even with him.

Part of the core information that I've been purveying is that identity politics is a sick game. You don't play racial, ethnic, and gender identity games. The Left plays them on behalf of the oppressed, let's say, and the Right tends to play them on behalf of nationalism and ethnic pride. I think they're equally dangerous.

The highly functional infrastructure that surrounds us, particularly in the West, is a gift from our ancestors: the comparatively uncorrupt political and economic systems, the technology, the wealth, the lifespan, the freedom, the luxury, and the opportunity.

The narrow bandwidth of TV has made us think that we are stupider than we are.

Obviously, I'm no fan of the radical left.

I have a hard time figuring out what kind of box to put me in, too, because I don't know exactly what's going on around me or why. But I need to stay outside of boxes because then I can look at what's inside of them without being part of them.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.

I used to always sit in church looking out the windows at the boys, wondering if I could make an excuse to go out and, you know, go to the bathroom because all the outdoor toilets. But anyhow, I was only going out to see the boys.

I never thought, in my lifetime, that you'd be able to watch movies, read books and listen to music from a phone, but I guess the technology of tomorrow is here today.

My first phone was two tin cans tied together with string, and it worked pretty good.

We're all just a bunch of sinners, but we do the best we can.

I've stood up to producers before, and even a director. I saw them being abusive. A lot of people on the set are scared to say stuff when they're not being treated right.