I've got twin babies - a boy and a girl - and it's great.

I love MMA. I love the sport of it.

I never had any major surgeries or anything like that. I've had a few career-threatening injuries, but I bounced back from them.

When fathers are actually in the household and more families are educating their children, then our society will be a whole lot better.

Success starts in the household and with education.

There are no barriers, and there is no glass ceiling when you put in the work.

My thing has always been preparation. When I was a performer on the roster as one of the guys on a weekly, full-time schedule, I was always prepared.

Throughout my whole time in wrestling on the road, going out and being around some of the whitest people in the world, I've never had any problems with anybody. It was never black or white. Booker T was just a wrestler. I did that by design.

I always wanted to be mentioned in the same breath as all of the great wrestlers.

I've never really considered myself a wrestler. I always considered myself an entertainer, but I always wanted to be better than the guy next to me.

That's something I always say is good to do in life, is to leave our mark in this lifetime.

There's been so many rivals, most of them Canadian guys like Rick Martel, Christian and Chris Benoit. Those guys were all ultimate professionals, every one of them.

It's almost like the Monday Night Wars for me all over again. That's the kind of feeling I get with Reality of Wrestling.

Aw, man, it's huge to actually have a platform and let the world see Reality of Wrestling as well as to be able to compete with all the other independent companies around the world.

People say, 'Respect your elders,' but I always go, 'Respect your young people because they are our future.'

To be able to make a difference in one life is really what I'm all about. To make a change.

I got my name in the hat for 2019 Mayor of Houston, Texas.

In professional wrestling, I'm sure in combat sports, there's always gonna be testosterone.

I've lost count of the plane tickets I've had in my pocket for people's weddings and other celebrations which I've had to tear up because I was making a film. How many things like that can you miss and still be in people's lives?

Not many young women of my age have been lucky enough to have had a wonderful mentor in their life.

When I was 13, I had a weekend job at the Photographers Gallery Bookshop in London.

A white woman with a camera in the Devadasi belt of Karnataka is not inconspicuous... it took time for these women to believe that I was not an official, carrying the threat of fine and imprisonment.

The devadasis have a multilayered story, a story in which poverty, deprivation and injustice against women is central - but what has happened to them is absolutely an outcome of imperialism and the impact of British rule in India.

I absolutely don't want to suggest that women are unreliable because we're mothers - on the contrary. But the question of who brings up the kids has a material effect on all women's careers.