I'm a nice guy - until you get on my bad side.

If I got Corey Graves into a fisticuffs, I would beat him down like he stole something.

You've got to be able to think on your own; you've got to be creative. You can't be willing to take a backseat.

If you're not prepared to go out and steal the show every night, your job is going to be much more on the line on a regular basis. If you can master that, that's something that you never really have to worry about.

My first contract with WCW was, like, $70,000 a year. I didn't know you could make that kind of money doing this. I was like, 'Wow. I think I'm going to stick around for a long time.'

It was something I was dreaming about, to be in WCW or WWE. At that time, it was an escape for me, out of the norm from being a neighborhood kid.

The parts of life that drive me are getting that homeless person off the street and helping people receive the education they deserve. I want to be able to help the ones that want the help, but also guide the ones who don't so they are also in a better position.

Vince Russo stuck up for me in WCW when it came down to who should be world champ. From what I've heard, there was a meeting, and Russo stood up for me. I would not be six-time world champion if it were not for Vince Russo. I would not even be one-time world champion if it weren't for Vince Russo.

Racism is something that is taught. We, as a people, need to work to get past that.

There was a question in my mind, because I am black, if the fans would accept a black world champion. 'Bash at the Bash' was a topsy-turvy night. Finally, when the 1-2-3 came, the fans erupted. All my questions were answered; they really did want to see me win.

Personally, I'm not a Republican, and I'm not a Democrat. People need to stop focusing on becoming part of a party and instead voting with their mind and their heart.

We listened to Donald Trump speak at the debate about 'Stop and Frisk.' I don't think it's a good way to go through life. I don't think that's going to solve any of our problems. It's actually going to make racial tension a whole lot worse, and it's going to make us feel like we're singled out.

Most people who are not of color, their parents didn't need to tell them how to act around police or what to do if they ever got pulled over. Never, not once. We are taught that in the black neighborhoods. I've been profiled and pulled over, so it's not like I don't know.

If we truly want to make America great, we need to fix this racial inequality.

At the end of the day, it is about taking care of your family. Going out and doing the job like Stevie Ray would say, to the best of your ability until something better comes along. I say that because it's very simple; we are all in the entertainment business.

When you start thinking it is a party instead of putting your suit and tie on and getting your job done and handling your business, you are thinking about the wrong thing.

Sharmell was the first woman that I thought about talking to, and if you listen to Sharmell, she thought I hated her the first time we met because I was always all business.

I'm not homophobic or anything like that, but when gay people come out, it's like, 'You didn't have to tell me that, because I'm still going to still give you a hug.'

I've always wanted my fans to love me for coming out and performing.

It was a great ride, 10-time world tag team champion with my brother and then to work with Sheri Martell back in the days, you know, a dream come true.

I always say that Sheri Martell was that one thing that put Harlem Heat on the map, made us a legitimate tag team.

Oh, man, first part of my career was awesome: having my big brother Steve Ray - he's my blood brother, my real brother - having him watch my back for nearly 10 years in WCW.

Muhammad Ali was my idol, and I always say, if Muhammad Ali had told me the exact same thing my mother, the principal, the security guard, my brothers... you know, the same thing they were telling me that I didn't listen to, I would have listened, just because it came from Muhammad Ali.

Baltimore is a great wrestling town.