Bret 'the Hitman' Hart from circa, say, 1997, the U.S.-bashing Bret Hart, would have to lay a beat down on John Cena, I think.

I don't have a good thing to say about Eric Bischoff or anything he ever did. Talk about the Midas touch, he was the opposite.

I think WCW will kill any kind of joy in your life. I think I started hating money. The money they paid me was insane, but I would be off and fly first-class airplane, luxury cars and hotels, and then arrive at the arena and have Eric Bischoff tell you 5-10 minutes after 6 P.M. that you are off tonight.

I love when I think about the SummerSlam match against The Undertaker. What a great match, wonderful story. Two wrestlers that had such great respect for one another.

I think in 1997, I was in my absolute prime. I was never bitter; I was uninjured. I was ready to go and ready to make some serious changes to make a difference to have my all-time favorite matches that I would have loved to have.

Employees who work for WWF, they have better benefits than the wrestlers do. The ones they should take care of is the wrestlers.

I think it's hard to differentiate between your wrestling character and your real character - you kind of end up being both. I've always been my wrestling character in and out of the ring and in and out of the dressing room, and I was always really respected in the dressing room by the other wrestlers.

If you've got the confidence and the work ethic, you can make any dream come true.

I don't know about England so much, but in Germany and some of these other countries, the pink was something that they liked. For those kids, the pink and black and the whole look with the sunglasses and the leather jacket was the right kind of hero they could get behind, and I think that really set me apart from everyone else.

I think I had a really hard-working and authentic wrestling style, so people liked the way I was - that I was a 'no-quit' kind of wrestler - and I was very realistic and credible in my style.

After being signed by WWE, Edge, Christian, Mark Henry, Giant Silva, Test and Ken Shamrock all trained at my house. I had a pool room with an indoor pool and a garden behind it. I took out the garden and put in a wrestling ring.

I never trained in pro wrestling with The Sheik, but I did amateur wrestling with pro wrestlers in my dad's basement.

I was a high school wrestler. I was city champion.

'Superstar' Billy Graham was someone that my dad taught from A to Z, from tying up to submission wrestling. Billy was more of a showman than a wrestler. My dad used to love tying Billy in knots, and Iron Sheik would be watching.

I really think, Charlotte Flair, come on, her legacy is going to be cemented throughout the years. That's just a given!

Me personally, I know I've made mistakes.

We, as a people, we gotta know when it's time to speak up and when it's time to shut up.

You can become a star overnight, guys. You can be on the street walking one day, and you're on your way to the corner diner, and you had to hitch a ride to get there. And the next day, you can be a huge star, money coming at you from right and left. And you've got to know how to handle that situation.

I consider myself an official scout for not just WWE, but the Reality of Wrestling.

I love what I'm seeing out there with Pro Wrestling Syndicate, Northeast Wrestling, Big Time Wrestling, and WildKat in New Orleans. There is a lot of good stuff out there.

Unions are something wrestlers have been talking about for many years. We would probably wish there was a union, but you have to understand wrestling is not a regulated sport.

Of course I've always wanted to make a decent pay like everybody else.

Pro wrestling is entertainment, but people get hurt all of the time.

Pro wrestling is a different animal than pro football and pro soccer. There is going to be a lot of money going out before the bulk of the money can come back in.