I'm always grateful for any kind of moment that keeps my memories alive and gives me a little taste of the excitement I used to get all the time.

I know that Cena has a lot of detractors, but I'm very proud of him. He's a good hero.

There's a lot of talent out there that miss their opportunities, and I just hope that AJ Styles doesn't waste his life in TNA.

The only thing Hulk Hogan ever knew was how to make Hulk Hogan. He couldn't tell you how to make AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. What's Hulk Hogan going to tell Samoa Joe? He doesn't know anything to even tell him; he's got zero to offer.

I had wrestling in my blood.

Triple H is a former bodybuilder. He's all about bodies. He thought that Hulk Hogan was the greatest wrestler in the world. They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler in the world because that's what they're attracted to, but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up. I was a wrestling fan.

I tip my hat to the long list of girls that have really taken wrestling up a notch.

I jumped at the chance to be a part of Stroke Recovery Canada. I want to help March of Dimes Canada in its efforts to support stroke recovery and improve the quality of life of all Canadian stroke survivors.

I think the best wrestling always needs to pretend to be real, and Vince Russo's wrestling is so pathetically far-fetched and phony that I think he does a disservice to his wrestlers and the business.

I don't have any personal grudge against Vince Russo, but I just know watching the shows that all his shows look the same.

Vince Russo knows about as much about wrestling as Eric Bischoff does.

John Cena is like the 2010 version of Bret Hart. Fans see him as a real decent, upstanding human being.

Toronto deserves Rob Ford; they put him in office. Toronto deserves everything it gets.

I have nothing but respect for John Cena and his work rate. He's one of the hardest-working wrestlers there ever was. He's been a great champion, an inspiring role model. It's not easy being John Cena and carrying all the weight of the company on your back all the time.

I think Daniel Bryan reminds me a lot of my brother, Owen.

I could only be frustrated right from the day I started in WCW and realized that it was a company run by a bunch of idiots that didn't have a clue what they were doing.

I think, without a doubt, whatever anyone says or anyone thinks, Natalya Neidhart is the premier, best woman wrestler.

Ric Flair, as great was and a hard worker as he was, he just tends to get lost in the ring.

Flair was a tricky guy to work with when I worked with Ric. When he was champion, we had much better matches, and the moment the title got switched, we seemed to screw up my match every night.

If you watch punches, kicks, and moves where there is contact, Cody Rhodes is one of the best.

I know Seth Rollins is a CrossFit guy. I just think back to my days, and I don't know how I could have done CrossFit training and then wrestled that night.

There is an art to wrestling, and there is a need to do it right. Cody Rhodes exemplifies all the right things.

Seth Rollins is one of the hardest-working wrestlers I've ever seen.

I love tag team wrestling, and it's different than all the other matches.