People ask me, 'Man, are we gonna see one more match?' And I've always said, 'Hey, never say never, because you never know what you're gonna do.'

I never said that I was retired. I never said that I was never gonna put the boots on ever again.

This can be the best job in the world, being a WWE superstar, but it can be the hardest job in the world at the same time.

When I left WWE, TNA offered me a deal. It was a sweet deal: ya sit at home the majority of the year. Just show up every now and then and make some money. That was a sweet deal for me; that was like a vacation.

I do not see Dean Ambrose leaving WWE to go somewhere else.

A guy who I always said was my favorite wrestler is Rey Mysterio.

I trained with a guy by the name of Scott Casey. He actually worked with WWE back in the day, but he didn't become a big star. What I want to teach is what he taught me: that the smallest things are what people are really looking for.

People really don't understand how hard it is and what it takes to be a WWE Superstar.

Actually, a person asked me if I was ever going to come back to WWE. I told them that if I came back, it probably wouldn't be as WWE Superstar, because the young guys are really what it's all about. Bringing me back as an announcer is a great position for me to actually go out and make the young guys bigger stars.

I don't think it's up to you to say you belong in The Hall of Fame. That's up to someone else.

After I've sat back and looked at my body of work, thought about it, I go, 'Wow, I guess I am a Hall of Famer.'

My dream was to make it in life. I didn't know how it was going to be. My brother guided me toward a wrestling ring, and I gravitated to it very quickly. It seemed like deja vu for me, and I said, 'Wow, I think this might be it.'

Tell your kids you love them as much as you possibly can, because you're not promised one second to the next.

I make sure I'm smiling every day, I'm laughing every day, no matter how sore or achy I am or whatever.

From the beginning of my career, when I first started on the independent circuit, when I went to Global Wrestling Federation in Dallas and then to WCW, all the way through it seems like titles have been around my waist for some reason, and I always give credit to the fans.

A lot of those young folks look up to me in the city of Houston. I give hope and inspiration and try to change people's lives for the better in the city of Houston.

I know I'm not going to be working with the WWE forever. That's why I'm going to be the Mayor of the city of Houston, so I can move on to the next stage of my life.

I actually met Donald Trump and shook his hand and looked him in the eye, and it tells me a lot when you look a person in the eye. He's a man's man first and foremost; you know, you can't pretty much, you know, put him to the side and expect anything less than a good fight.

I really do like seeing Bobby Lashley get the torch and exactly seeing what he can do with it.

Anything worth having is worth working really, really hard for.

People see me smiling all the time... they see me pretty much happy all the time. I never carry a frown around.

I didn't run into racism until I got into the wrestling business.

I never had to deal with racism as a kid, by the grace of God somehow.

I talk about Hulk Hogan being in my corner back in the day... Back in the day, if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, I don't know if Booker T and Stevie Ray would've gotten the push that we got.