It's not even about looking good; it's about feeling good inside. Celebrity Sweat makes everyone aware of that but in a fun way with their favorite athletes.

I have such an amazing relationship with my mom, and I think, 'Wow, I'm going to have that with my daughter.'

I definitely don't see what people do for a living. I feel that doesn't define you as a human being; who you are defines you. I couldn't care less about what you do.

Just because our work environment is crazy doesn't mean we need to bring the craziness home.

An ideal night for myself and my boyfriend would be going to the farmers market, making ourselves a nice meal, and then anything outdoorsy.

You're gonna lose looks when it comes with age, but if you have that sense of humor, it will always keep things great in a relationship.

I feel like people always thought my sister and I were models. I think it was just because if you went through Diva Search, that's just what you were. We were never models; we were athletes. We were athletes who fell in love with wrestling.

We always called ourselves Divas. I came in through Diva Search. I was a Divas Champion. I always felt like it had this negative feeling to it because a Diva is so much more high maintenance, and that's the last thing we women wrestlers are.

I'm very close to every girl in the locker room.

I'm going to be an ambassador for WWE.

There are a lot of bad Divas on SmackDown that like to cheat a little bit.

The feud with Jerry Lawler was one of the best feuds I ever had. He was the perfect heel and kept his heat. People hated him.

I would have loved to have worked with Kurt Angle. He would have been a lot of fun to be in the ring with.

I always had trouble being proud of how they were using me in WCW. It was hard for me to be interested in what they were doing, and what they were doing with me was pretty pathetic.

Curt Hennig was one of best guys I ever wrestled. If I could've come back and wrestled one last match, I wish I could've wrestled Curt. He was my favorite guy to wrestle.

Wrestling fans dictate policy; they really do. What direction each wrestler takes usually revolves around what the fans think of them.

If I was going to build a logical defense for myself in a match against Hulk Hogan, I think I would try to work on his legs. Take out any mobility.

My relationship with fans is based off the love of my work and my work ethic.

If I could wrestle somebody at a WrestleMania, I would have really loved to wrestle with John Cena. It would have been nice to have a great WrestleMania match with The Rock and Edge, but my history would have lined up perfectly with John.

I worked hard, and I was always frustrated when wrestlers didn't want to work as hard.

My heart was always dedicated to giving fans around the world the best match possible, and the fans grew with me.

The Undertaker stood up for what was right. He earned everything he got.

Undertaker was always a leader in the dressing room, always a man's man. No one ever doubted what he said because his word was good. He was a guy that set the dressing room standard. If you had an issue or personal problem, you could go to Undertaker and he would help you.

I do remember meeting 'The Donald.' He seemed to really enjoy the WrestleMania 4 battle royal. He watched me take a very hard front turnbuckle bump, and it seemed to stun him that I wasn't seriously hurt. Backstage, Trump gave me a big smile and a handshake.