Blood is thicker than water, so the fact that I have my sister always with me, it's like you always have someone who's your best friend and always have someone who has your back. You can always trust your family, and I'm lucky to have that.

All the weird, crazy things people say, like twins can read each other minds, they can feel each other's feelings, it's all true. We can have complete conversations with our eyes.

Ever since we were little - and this goes from when we were babies through high school - everyone always said, 'The twins are so entertaining. Just sit down with them for five minutes, and you will see so much happen. They will fight, they will laugh, they will love each other, and then they will tell each other off.'

Reality TV started becoming big when I was in college, around 2002. I remember everyone kept saying, 'Man, you guys should do reality.' And I was always like, 'I don't know.'

When I stand in that ring after a match, I feel like the strongest me! It's truly the greatest feeling.

I love dominating in what's been considered man's world and showing them that women are equal talent.

At around 20 years old, I started to educate myself on nutrition. I'm so grateful that I taught myself the importance of health and fitness in my early twenties. I created a lifestyle that I love, and because of that, I've never had to diet.

We grew up in a farming family, so I always ate non-processed food and fresh produce.

I hope that the little sacrifices that I make in my life - being away from my daughter, my husband and I not seeing each other as much - I hope it does inspire young girls to realize they can be whatever they want in this life.

Just because you are a mom doesn't mean whoever you were before is gone. You can bring it back.

I felt this during the first few months of my motherhood. You lose who you are - you lose your identity - because when your baby comes, you give, give, give, and no one gives back, and you just wonder, 'Who am I?' 'What am I?' 'How do I live life now?' It's all for this baby.

Gravity doesn't lie.

I don't mind if I fail or if I succeed. No matter what, I want to look back with no regrets.

It's crazy to think about getting recognized for something you just love to do.

We really wanted our characters to be very Latin-based because we've always been so proud of our roots.

Growing up, we were always the feisty Latin girls.

The first time I ever saw women wrestling, I immediately felt connected. I thought, 'This is what I'm supposed to do.'

I think sometimes wrestling fans will feel different, but the thing is, 'Total Divas' introduced women's wrestling to the world.

We never want to go out there and hurt each other, so when it happens, it's emotional.

Out in the WWE ring, we have to play so much bad guy, good guy, don't talk to your competitors, but backstage, you'll see that we're all really close, and it affects us.

We're not perfect; no one's perfect. You know how many people have been injured in the ring? But for some reason, I was, like, showcased in such a way of, like, this evil person and 'Look what she's done,' and I got bullied really bad.

College wasn't for us. We just didn't have the attention span.

When we came into this business, everyone was against us.

People can't stand the fact that, yes, we were models, but now we can kick anyone's butt in the ring.