I think the success of 'Total Divas' has opened people's eyes to women in wrestling and to WWE divas.

As far as past men go, I loved Jeff Hardy. He reminds me of my husband in a way. He's quieter but has a presence in the ring that's, like, wow.

People's passion and dedication can conquer anything.

I've never experienced the love I have for my daughter.

In the United States, I feel like polio doesn't exist, but it very much does. I've been to many countries and saw how lucky we are that we can go straight to the doctor or the ER in the U.S. I would love for moms in other countries to not experience my fears.

As a mom, the minute your baby is born, you all of a sudden have these fears. People always say, 'Don't let your fears get you.' But for me, my fears educated me.

If you're going to do reality, you need to do the good and the bad. I think that's why so many people love Nicole and me. We're real and honest.

The retirement at WrestleMania 32 was a bittersweet moment for me. I was excited to see the next chapter of my life, which is becoming a mother, but at the same time, it was a very historical moment. It was a big part of what the Women's Division has been striving and fighting for.

I'm such a Cathy Chatters.

We're like quirky Brits!

Now, being a fan, I love the difference between 'Raw' and 'Smackdown' - I know that each show will be completely different, and that makes it so fun to watch!

At the end of the day, you're going to go through obstacles, but with passion, you will be successful, and you will accomplish whatever your dreams are.

For myself, I went into an industry I wasn't educated on, and I thought, 'Hey, yeah, let's do this. Awesome.' And I've really had to educate myself in the fashion world: undergarments, fabrics, and learning their language, but it's been really great.

I think the one thing about 'Total Divas' is that we all had to open up our lives. We all had to open up that book and show you every chapter we've been through. Then when you start comparing, you see we all have something in common. That's what made us all close.

I think because of 'Total Divas,' people have gotten to know who we are and kind of see more of the personality of the divas.

I really fought hard to bring that story to life on 'Total Divas,' the factory farming and free-range chicken. I'm shocked to see the positive response because you never know. People could be sensitive to certain things.

We might make money and be in the careers we're in, but we don't need a bunch of stuff. We like showcasing that and letting people know that it's OK to not want things and keep wanting bigger and better.

Obviously, my husband's very determined because he got himself back into that ring after being out of it for many years. And I'm the same: I've always been his backbone, and there's nothing that you can stop Bryan and I at. We're unstoppable.

With any career you're in, there's always a life outside of your career, and that's one thing when you're on the road 300 days of the year, you start missing your family, you miss your friends, you miss all the things you enjoy in life like going to the movies, museums.

Because I travel so much, my biggest pet peeve is dealing with travelers - the travelers who can't figure things out. My pet peeve is people who just have no idea how to travel.

Every day, I make sure I do something active, whether I only have time to do a 20-minute walk or pull up a 15-minute barre video to going in the gym for two hours. But I am one of those people, I truly believe to always change up your workouts, because I can get bored very easy, which will then turn me off from working out.

I came from the soccer world, so all I knew was get the ball in that net. And when you're working with WWE, you're pretty much doing stunt work. You have to train and make sure you're safe and you're safe for your opponent, but at the same time, you have to tell a story.

We love to be athletic, but at the same time, we love to entertain. So my sister was actually looking to play pro soccer in Italy, and I convinced her. I said, 'Please, there's this thing called WWE Diva Search. I really want to go. I think we can do this.' And sure enough, they gave my sister and me a shot.

When I graduated from Chaparral High School in Scottsdale, I made my way back to San Diego, which is where I was born. And I saw WWE Divas on television, and I thought to myself, 'Oh my goodness, that is our calling.'