I was a big fan of wrestling growing up and of WWE.

My brain can form thoughts that come out through my mouth. The problem is sometimes I stumble the words because I speak five different languages - we know all that - so the thing is, I like to speak the language that everybody speaks all around the world, that the WWE Universe loves... that's the language of wrestling that I do in the ring.

I have a lot of maneuvers in my back pocket, so to speak. And to me, the thing is to always surprise the audience so they're always seeing something new, and not just get stuck in the same rut.

We take care of each other. I took care of Sheamus when he had a hole in his head - and he took care of me when I had no teeth.

I like to try new stuff and experiment. That's why I think it's entertaining to watch my matches, because you never know what I'm going to do, and you see things that you've never seen before.

I think you can learn from pretty much everybody if you just open your eyes.

I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I think that shows hard work pays off. A good thing takes a while.

If it wasn't for technology and the Internet, I wouldn't have been able to plan a wedding because I'm never home.

I make sure to consume plenty of vegetables every day. Vegetables keep you very full, and I'm also a vegetarian, but yeah, they keep you extremely full, so you're not hungry, and you always feel satisfied.

I'm obviously very hippie-like, and I'm always in a different city and town and country, and I thought, 'Why is it that the big food chains are always so promoted? I want the whole ingredients. I don't want preservatives. I want what this town and these farmers produce and see how their chefs create.'

I think it's been fun to show that Bryan and I share a Honda Fit, and we're huge environmentalists, and we're big activists for animal rights.

I stay away from sweets. I'll treat myself here and there, but I'll stay away from fried foods, but I love French fries. I'll treat myself once a week to some French fries.

In 'Total Divas,' our men are our garnish. In 'Total Bellas,' you finally get them in the interview chair, and you get to hear their perspective on the events going on. Fans will get to hear their point of view.

As a competitive athlete, you always want to come out on top and give your best work. So whether it's my sister or any other opponent, I'm competitive.

We are tomboys.

As WWE Superstars, we want to have confidence and stand strong in the ring.

When one twin is in need or hurt, the other twin definitely knows it. It really helps us being a successful tag team.

Loving entertainment but having our athletic talent, WWE seemed like the perfect fit for us.

We were on a competitive traveling soccer team for nine years. Nikki then went on and played two more years in college. We both started getting into modeling and commercial work.

My mom had no idea she was having twins.

Bryan and I plan to use reusable diapers. There are a lot more options than before. We know it won't be as convenient, but we want to do it to help the planet.

There was no way I could get pregnant and continue to work in the ring and go on the road.

The good thing about being pregnant is I get to be home more.

I usually have lots of energy, so I couldn't believe how pregnancy put me on my butt.