We love Ronda Rousey - talk about someone who empowers women!

My sister is an amazing champion; she's the Fearless Champion, and I couldn't be more proud to be by her side.

It's easy to hide your body from the chest down if you really want to. But it's not as easy, especially in the summer and spring, to hide your arms. So I think that's something you always have to make sure you work on.

I think working out with a loved one makes everything feel better!

If Bryan is like, 'I'm going to be at the gym here for two hours,' it forces me to keep myself busy for those two hours. It pushes you more! And Bryan is actually the first relationship I've been in where my partner enjoys a healthy lifestyle like me. Even past lifting weights at the gym.

We love wine, and as with both Birdiebee and the beauty line, we consider these passion projects. When the right partners came to us for each of them, we knew the time was right.

Nicole and I have always wanted to be winemakers, but we didn't think we would be able to do that until our 50s. But when our friends in Napa came to us and said, 'We really want to do a wine line with you,' how do you say no to that?

We love going to museums. We are so into history and into art. We find it a great way to decompress.

It is actually crazy because with our wrestling career, our coaches were always blown away by our timing, and they always remarked how our chemistry and timing is always perfect. Just being twins, we have that. We don't have to talk; we don't have to communicate. It just happens.

I look at my grandmother, and she has this grace and class about her. When she walks into a room and sits down and talks to someone. Everything she does in life. I feel that women of her generation were really taught that.

We have our own clothing line called Birdiebee that we just love.

I love watching Japanese wrestling, and then Bryan will be like, 'Watch this' or 'See this.'

2014 was a really big year for me because I was able to go into a storyline with Stephanie McMahon, and the WWE Divas championship wasn't part of that, but for me, it was the biggest story I've ever been a part of in my whole entire career.

I think the thing with 'Total Divas' is that everyone truly got to see how different we were, which helped showcase singles careers in WWE, which is something we always wanted.

We look up to Jessica Alba. I loved that something bothered her, and she created products around it and built an empire around it.

We'd love to create feminine hygiene products.

We want to be more than just being the Bella Twins and the stars of these reality TV shows. I want to have a bigger purpose in life. So that's why, with Birdiebee, we really want to give back.

There were so many times that, as waitresses, you look at your bank account and you literally have 100 bucks, and you're thinking, 'How am I going to pay my utility bill, my rent?' but at the same time thinking, 'How am I going to accomplish my dreams?'

For any girl who has a dream, they just need to go for it. I think sometimes our fears hold us back, and it's about having no fears and living with no regrets. Whether you fail or you succeed, just make sure you have no regrets.

The one thing Nikki and I always live by is 'No regrets.'

For me, the best part of being Latina in the WWE is the feistiness I can bring to the ring.

Nicole and I got into wrestling through diva search. It used to be this competition WWE would put on. I found them when I saw the Divas wrestling in the ring, and I kind of just knew it was our calling. I felt like this was exactly what we are meant to do in life. Not only are the girls so glamorous, but they are also very tough.

The girls are working so hard to put female wrestling on the map and to make it as big as the men. To see it actually happening... I'm so grateful.

People come up to us at live events or at signings and thank us, saying, 'My wife or girlfriend watches wrestling now,' or that they weren't into wrestling, but because of 'Total Divas,' they are now.