I have never taken myself that seriously as an actor.

Movies I liked growing up were like Francis Ford Coppolla movies and Scorsese movies.

You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.

That's the thing about friendship, it's a lot rarer than love, because there is nothing in it for any body.

It was nice that you guys have such a good sense of humor, because some people don't have the ability to laugh at something.

I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.

You can't get too attached to any one shampoo. And conditioner, also.

I think of myself as a doom person. I'm a worrier. But I like the idea of being an optimist. Maybe I'm the kind of optimist who deep down knows it's not going to work.

It's not enough just to be real; you have to try to make it interesting or entertaining.

True love is your souls recognition of its counterpoint in another.

If someone doesn't want me, I'm not going to hang around and win them over.

There's something people find hilarious about dogs surfing and dancing and talking in the movies. I think it's nice for people - I think it's wish fulfillment - to see animals talking.

Australian cattle dogs, are not like Labradors, where they just like to just sit around by the fire and get petted. They're working dogs, so they have a lot of energy, and they can drive you crazy.

Maybe that's why there's an insecurity sometimes in acting, because it's not like there's a correlation between hard work and how people receive you.

In Rome, I loved seeing the Caravaggios. There are churches in Rome that have Caravaggios, and there's one, not far from Piazza Navona, that has the best, I think: St. Matthew with the money.

The Australian accent just a very lovely accent and it doesn't have the pretention maybe of an English accent, but yet seems a little bit more exotic than an American.

What's funny is that there's a lot of great Australian actors in American movies but you don't often hear them do their Australian, original accent.

It's funny how it usually works out that I end up dying. It sort of works out, because by the time I die, I'm usually tired of working on that particular movie, so I look forward to it.

It's funny how it usually works out that I end up dying. It sort of works out, because by the time I die, I'm usually tired of working on that particular movie, so I look forward to it.

I try to find a way to make it comfortable or interesting or funny to me.

I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time.

Acting is more fun than writing. Writing is harder, more like having a term paper.

We didn't know what the reception was going to be when we walked out on the runway, but it felt like we were in a rock band. People started cheering. It was a nice way to begin Zoolander 2, with that kind of reception.

I haven't seen a lot of screwball comedies, and I don't think of myself as loving the genre. To me it sounds like, okay, you're going to be in a lot of crazy situations that are unbelievable.