...the Waldorf looked like one of the dead and empty spaces which collect about the exit of a man who has lost a million in an hour.

I could not begin to mourn Deborah or my mind would ride off with me. There was nothing so delicate in all the world as one's last touch of control.

Goldstein, you'd be a pretty good boy if you wasn't so chicken.

Rip the prisons open put the convicts on television

The feeling of joy came up in me again the way the lyric of a song might remind a man on the edge of insanity that soon he will be insane again and there is a world there more interesting than his own.

It takes all kinds to make a world.

His decision had been made in the valley, and it lay as an iron warp in his mind. He could have turned back no more easily than he could have killed himself.

Just as a fighter has to feel that he possesses the right to do physical damage to another man, so a writer has to be ready to take chances with his readers’ lives.

Yank! Yank! We you come to get Yank. We you come to get.

The Irish are the only men who know how to cry for the dirty polluted blood of all the world.

How his hatred seethed in search of a justifiable excuse.

At the end of medicine is dope; at the end of life is death; at the end of man may be the Hell which arrives from the vanities of the mind.

A fire had begun to spread in me. It was burning now in my stomach and my lungs were dry as old leaves, my heart had a herded pressure which gave promise to explode.

Kerouac lacks discipline, intelligence, honesty and a sense of the novel. His rhythms are erratic, his sense of character is nil, and he is as pretentious as a rich whore, sentimental as a lollypop.

So you come soon to power, but you have merely inherited the crisis and yours is the profit of cancer.

In the South of Spain, one could look to vice as quickly as to virtue for a sense of tradition.

Men who work at Time have a life expectancy which is not long said the young man from Newsweek

So long as you use a knife, there's some love left.

It is easy to comprehend people who are weaker than ourselves, but it is not as simple to be ready for the true feelings of those more powerful.

Every time I move I squash something said Loathesome.

The moments like these, the passing doubts, were the temptations that caught you if you were not careful.

I cannot bear that chirpy Bobby Kennedy, always building his beaver's nest with a few more facts. He needs to look into the abyss.

Prevarication, like honesty, is reflexive, and soon becomes a sturdy habit, as reliable as truth.

...and dread came back like a hoot from a bully on the street outside.