There's what is on screen and then for us, it's if you get along with the people and enjoy showing up at work.

I lived in Rome for about five or six months during Life Aquatic.

If a movie goes south, it might not capsize me the way it used to. But I still have a terrible fear of failure. I'm a huge worrier.

We worked together with Wes Anderson writing a couple more movies together: Rushmore [1998] and Tenenbaums.

I think of Terrence Malick's movie Days of Heaven - one of Richard Gere's first movies - you can push pause on almost any image in the movie and it looks like a painting.

I guess that's the thing about Rome: It never changes.

Because it's me playing the character, trying to find a way to make it believable and entertaining and interesting.

It isn't so much that I choose the roles - I mean, I guess there's a little bit of a selection process - but it's more just what people offer you.

I love Francis Bacon. I just saw a great Jackson Pollock exhibit at the Dallas Museum when I was home for Thanksgiving.

The first thing I remember is Alexander Calder - our school took us on a field trip to go see the Calder mobiles, and that always stuck in my memory.

I think for Wes [Anderson] and me, the most important thing was James L. Brooks producing our first movie and giving us a chance to come to Hollywood, because without him, we might never have gotten the chance.

I became sort of an aficionado on the Valentino pajamas, because I like those so much.

I think the way it works is that when you're casting a movie, you usually want to work with people that you believe in.

I think the way it works is that when you're casting a movie, you usually want to work with people that you believe in.

You know,” he laughed easily, “with all the goddam drinkin’ Ah’ve done, Ah still can’t remember the taste of it unless Ah got the bottle right with me.

Listen my love the hour is late my side has an ache If you don't get a taxi my heart will break

The Anti-Semiten. Why don’t they ever learn? Why does God permit it?” Roth sneered. “God is a luxury I don’t give myself.


American’s capacity for real estate improvement; build yourself a house, grow fat in it, and die.

If men could move out of infancy at half a mile an hour and get up to eighteen thousand miles an hour in one lifetime, well, who was to assume that the walls of the universe were safe from future men?

Then comes the left jab again. A converted southpaw? It has something of the shift of locus which comes from making love to a brunette when she is wearing a blond wig.

Perhaps the measure of the best art is that it does not excite envy.

Certain kinds of honor could not be lost without demanding that one consecrate oneself thereafter—no matter how unsuited and unprepared—to a life of revenge. I

There is something silly about a man who wears a white suit all the time, especially in New York." (on Tom Wolfe)