I don't like wasting food.

Food was always a focus for us, lyrically.

Man, I hate vegetables.

There have always been a lot of critics of competitive eating. You can be a critic of anything. It's easy to be a critic. You can say negative things about golf, the amount of water wasted on golf courses. Or NASCAR. There are wastes in everything.

I love hot dogs.

I didn't just eat hot dogs. I studied how the food went into your system and how it would be digested.

I think food brings people together, and it makes people happy.

Seafood is one of the easiest things to digest - a bratwurst is really hard on the body.

The regulatory approach of the Food and Drug Administration and the Patent and Trademark Office has driven up the costs of generic drugs.

I don't love eating meat. I really only like chicken and fish.

I don't do cookery shows to show off, I do it to encourage people. What's the point in going on TV and doing a recipe that no one can replicate?

I don't do cookery shows to show off, I do it to encourage people. What's the point in going on TV and doing a recipe that no one can replicate?

A lot of food shows are people wanting to become celebrities, rather than encouraging people to cook.

A lot of food shows are people wanting to become celebrities, rather than encouraging people to cook.

As far as Italian ingredients, I always have one of those plants of fresh basil in the house, and some mozzarella in the fridge.

As far as Italian ingredients, I always have one of those plants of fresh basil in the house, and some mozzarella in the fridge.

We don't do spaghetti and Bolognese sauce together in Italy. That is technically wrong because when you lift up the spaghetti the sauce will just run down. The way to do it is to use pasta like fettuccine or tagliatelle so the sauce sticks to it.

We don't do spaghetti and Bolognese sauce together in Italy. That is technically wrong because when you lift up the spaghetti the sauce will just run down. The way to do it is to use pasta like fettuccine or tagliatelle so the sauce sticks to it.

My mum and dad weren't wealthy people. We used to have pasta every day, meat once a week, fish was once every two weeks, presents only at Christmas and birthday.

My mum and dad weren't wealthy people. We used to have pasta every day, meat once a week, fish was once every two weeks, presents only at Christmas and birthday.

I think every lady wishes their husband would cook.

I think every lady wishes their husband would cook.

I never tried to convince my wife to move to Italy. She wouldn't have liked that.

I never tried to convince my wife to move to Italy. She wouldn't have liked that.