I'm not ashamed to be me. More than anyone else I know, I love my life and accept myself. What's wrong with being unique? I am proud of everything that I am and will become.

Self-respect: the secure feeling that no one, as yet, is suspicious.

Self-respect. It would make me lovable. And it's the secret to good sex.

You don't have to love me but you damn well have to respect me.

There was a time when cowboys respected their horses instead of riding them to death just to show off for a crowd.

(Words) deserve respect. Get the right ones in the right order, and you can nudge the world a little.

I write plays because dialogue is the most respectable way of contradicting myself.

Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.

Because man loves and honors man as long as he is not able to judge him, and desire is a product of lacking knowledge.

He probably was mediocre after all, though in a very honorable sense of that word.

If you don't respect nothin' else, you will respect this hustle.

I don't think I look up to any players. Obviously you respect everyone.

But a gentleman may embrace a doctrine without necessarily wearing the garb that goes with it, and he may wear the garb without necessarily comprehending the doctrine.

“The interest of [businessmen] is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public ... The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order ... ought never to be adopted, till after having been long and carefully examined ... with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men ... who have generally an interest to deceive and even oppress the public”

“Not allowing people to go through their pain, and protecting them from it, may turn out to be a kind of over-protection, which in turn implies a certain lack of respect for the integrity and the intrinsic nature and the future development of the individual.”

“The most stable, and therefore, the most healthy self-esteem is based on deserved respect from others rather than on external fame or celebrity and unwarranted adulation.”

All peoples must be respected, and they must all be granted the same rights.

I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one's self-respect.

They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them.

If you come to me and say, 'Hey look I'm a racist,' or 'I discriminate against blacks,' or 'I don't like you because you're African American,' I respect that. I can respect you more by doing that. But don't smile in my face, shake my hand, and then you don't really respect me, or want me to be around, or come to your games as the owner of the Clippers.

Any guy who can maintain a positive attitude without much playing time certainly earns my respect.

We all need to treat each other with human dignity and respect

The welfare of a people lies not in casting other peoples down but in peaceful collaboration.

It is common with narrow-minded people to reflect upon every respect in which other people differ from themselves.