Scarcely a day goes by without some claim that new technologies are fast writing newsprint's obituary.

Climate change has been going on as long as the planet is here, and there will always be a little bit of it.

Now if you look at the London 'Times,' you'll find that with quite a number of the photographs, you touch them, and they turn into videos. I think newspapers come alive that way. We talk about 'papers.' We should cut out the word 'paper,' you know? It's 'news organizations.'

I was brought up in a publishing home, a newspaper man's home, and was excited by that, I suppose. I saw that life at close range and, after the age of ten or twelve, never really considered any other.

Look, the whole world wants to modernize, and when you look to what they mean by modernizing, they mean Americanize. Would a modern Greek prefer to live in Orange County than Piraeus? Yes. Absolutely.

Satellite broadcasting makes it possible for information-hungry residents of many closed societies to bypass state-controlled television channels.

It's been a long career, and I've made some mistakes along the way.

I felt that it's best just to be as transparent as possible.

We certainly employ a lot of immigrants at Fox... and we do not take any consistent anti-immigrant line.

I feel that people I trusted - I don't know who, on what level - have let me down, and I think they have behaved disgracefully, and it's for them to pay. And I think, frankly, that I'm the best person to see it through.

My father left me with a clear sense that the media was something different.

CNN is pretty consistently on the left, if you look at their choice of stories, what they play up. It's not what they say. It's what they highlight.

Journalists should think of themselves as outside the Establishment, and owners can't be too worried about what they're told at their country clubs.

It's a libel to say that I use my newspapers to support my other business interests. The fact is, I haven't got any other business interests.

I really believe the stuff I say.

Those who are most pious and noble tend to be the least tolerant.

If I was fat and had a strong regional accent and was a bloke, I'd be a stand-up. Because I think I'm funny.

I was a really bad single mum. I used to go to the supermarket just for somewhere to go.

Being a minority voice is still brave - even if the minority voice is from the right wing.

Many teachers seem to believe their opinions are right, and therefore, all other viewpoints are wrong. And they are indoctrinating our children with their beliefs.

Anything that needs to be labelled 'The Entertainment' usually isn't - especially when it is provided by the endlessly enthusiastic Joel or Nadia wearing trainers and a whistle.

Most mums are not reliable.

Sunshine is supposed to make you happy.

Own your problems.