I am very good at being told off and rather enjoy it.

When the only thing you look forward to in life is lunch, you know you have had your just desserts, and it is time to call it a day.

Women simply cannot stay home and get to the top at work.

Once you have conquered your profession and are standing at the summit, it is all very well to look back down the slope and indulge yourself with regrets.

Stay-at-home mums love working mums to feel guilty. They sacrificed everything for their children.

Typically, housewives and working mums hate each other like dogs fighting for a bone.

Work is hard, and jobs can be dull. But you can't just take a holiday when you feel like it. You turn up because it is the right thing to do.

Women are a strange thing. Like watches, houses, and cars, you really only need one at any moment in your life (French men disagree).

Imams seldom condemn terror. And in their silence, in the void, acceptance - encouragement even - is assumed.

The opinion that Trump equals hate is not a fact. It is a view.

Michelle Visage rocks.

Cancer is a cruel killer. It creeps up on us when we aren't expecting it. But cake is not cancer. A doughnut does not creep up on you.

You need to think about how you will pay for children before you have them.

Brits have a peculiar sense of humour. I love it.

The BBC has a strict policy of having Clare Balding present everything.

As I often lecture businesses, it is not the email you send which matters, but how people feel when they read it.

Call me old-fashioned, but armpit hair is not high up there on my wish list of things to have.

I've said in the past that if I were Prime Minister, I would ban obesity.

In our private lives, we hate saying sorry. I would rather saute my eyeballs in butter than admit I am wrong to my husband.

I am delighted to be named Troll Of The Year 2013 by 'The Guardian' - a paper read by people called Theo and women called Polly with body issues.

Scarcity is a good sales tactic if you are selling something people want.

There are important rules in life - like not parking on yellow lines or stealing from your neighbour. But some rules are made to be broken.

Nothing makes me want to scream louder than oldies doddering on to a train at a slow shuffle when the rest of us are just trying to get on with our day.

Clear rules provide huge amounts of freedom: freedom to be safe and freedom to work efficiently because things are in order.