There are all sorts of parents I hate - super-keen parents, PTA parents, and fat parents on a bus.

I have strong opinions, and I am not afraid to share them.

Politicians used to be leaders. Now they follow voters, desperate for a tick in a box.

If you sign up for TV, expect the edit to make things interesting.

If you over-deliver and prove yourself to be an asset to the company, you will be rewarded as a result.

I watch 'The Great British Bake Off' in the way I used to watch people kiss on TV in front of my parents when I was young. Cringe.

Investing in children's education is vital.

Teaching kids to respect rules is key.

We are not a nation of strikes and inaction. We will not be preached at by militant unionists with a crap whippet and a chip on each shoulder.

Most wives look at me the way lame deer look at a hungry lion.

Should people working in our country speak English? Yes, they should.

I hate cars that much, I don't even own one. The last one I bought was a Honda CR-V which I didn't even take for a test drive because I was so disinterested. But I love 'Top Gear.'

The more crap you have had to deal with in your life, the better you are at handling 'Big Brother.'

If you are confiding in someone, it needs to be the woman in your life. If that woman is your mother, you may as well scuttle back under her petticoats and let the real women in pencil skirts and tortuous heels get on with the job of husband-hunting.

If anyone is on my husband's arm, it's going to be me.

The great thing about letting people be true to themselves is they often do very good things indeed.

Scratch below the surface, and you will find I am a patriotic little thing, desperately proud to be part of this island nation.

There are times this stony heart of mine feels a burst of British pride.

I love being on Aussie breakfast TV. They like people who speak their mind and tell it like it is.

I celebrate those who wear their red poppies with pride.

Ladies, I urge you never to buy a black bathroom suite. 'CBB' decided this would be glamorous. 'CBB' was wrong.

My mother says ladies perspire and men sweat. Clearly, I am more of a man.

Some of us have tough lives and find chocolate is a comfort and a friend. And some of us prefer a night on the sofa with Ant & Dec to hitting the gym. But whatever your excuse - and there is always an excuse - we are a nation of fatties.

While Corbyn would not enjoy the comparison, he and Farage are the same beast - with very different heads.