We are not passing values on to our children. We are not sitting down at the dinner table talking about the tiny things that add up to caring human beings.

I've become a master of the apology.

I've had three broken legs and two knee replacements. But I'm very good at apres golf.

If golfers know they look good, they will play better. I think that is valid for men and women.

CEOs are called by their first names by young whippersnappers. That makes everybody uncomfortable. We need order and structure back in the workplace.

At home, we're listening to TV or playing with our computers, so our entertaining is rusting. We don't know how to be good hosts and guests in business situations.

The polished executive is ultimately the happy executive who can walk gracefully through life.

I have grandchildren who are going to need every cent I make.

For every rude executive who makes it to the top, there are nine successful executives with good manners.

At tea time, all the noise, greed and aggressiveness of the '80s can be drowned out. For 45 minutes, anyway.

If you take five taxis a day, one driver will be nasty, and the other four are perfectly nice. You remember the nasty one. But you should remember the four who were nice.

When someone is wearing a dress that makes her look fat, don't say 'That's a great dress.' It always comes off badly.

Everybody forgets names and faces, and it's just inconsiderate to expect someone who isn't your boss or your sister-in-law to know exactly who you are.

We have lost the art of conversation. People are shy and don't know how to approach other people, and they are missing opportunities for relationships. And no one's entertaining at home anymore. They're not having people over for dinner.

If somebody is disrespecting somebody, we should step in - even at the risk of getting slugged over the head.

Going to a party uninvited always has been a negative action. It never has been acceptable. At the very least, it upsets kitchen preparations, parking arrangements, and even details such as space for hanging coats and depositing dripping umbrellas.

I was considered the luckiest of all the female gypsies since I landed the job as social secretary to Ambassador and Mrs. David Bruce at the American Embassy.

The First Lady has a lot of power. I hope Hillary Clinton realizes that.

It's stylish to have people over. But unstylish to make them bring food. It's so tacky, making everybody appear at the door with a dish. Better to order in, use a caterer or bring prepared food into your kitchen.

An excellent wine, someone's best attempt at cooking, and the candles and flowers on the table can turn the simplest dinner into an unforgettably romantic event.

I don't care what your politics are, I would wager that if you asked any American woman which administration would she have most liked to work for as social secretary, she would pick Jacqueline Kennedy's White House as the place to be.

The Kennedys tried to avoid using the big U-shaped table, but when they couldn't, they had several tricks - including keeping the flowers simple - to keep it from appearing overly stiff and formal.

The best thing we can do to save the planet is set a good example for our kids at home.

We have a lot of societal problems that we have to fix in the 1990s.