I understand that it's the thought that counts, but receiving money is so great, so if you're in a position to give an employee a bonus, just do that.

I'm Jewish, so I don't really do Christmas gifts, and Hanukkah is not as big a deal as gifts are concerned, so I never actually give gifts.

I have never done anything to my brows, though sometimes I tweeze the intersection of the left and right brow, which is either a really good thing or a really bad thing.

When I wake up, I put on what I'm in the mood to wear.

I'm not dressing with men in mind at all. I'm just going to wear what I want to wear. It makes things easier, too.

Our sartorial choices aren't that different from our psyches.

Women totally dress for women. If we were dressed for men, we'd be prancing around in tight, tight, tight bodycon skirts and tops all day or really simple jeans and T-shirts.

I have always, always loved words.

People often ask me if my parents helped me. My mother did lend me $10 to register the domain name.

I realized that if I were a 23-year-old girl getting married, and I wasn't struggling with it, that would likely mean that something was either massively wrong with me or that my brain is made up of delicately wrapped almonds that serve perfectly as party favors.

When you're writing a blog post, you can take solace in knowing that you will immediately know how people will respond to it, and if the criticism is bad, then that's fine because you can work on that and fix it, and if it's good, then that's great because you know what to do in the future. It gets pushed down so quickly.

I wore some stupid brocade dress to my prom.

If I were going to prom again, I would wear a huge skirt and plain cotton tank. A big, poofy, flotation-device-sized skirt. I wish I had done that.

I never borrowed money from Mom. I lived at home, but my parents never helped me. I worked hard and moved out. I treated my blog like a business; hard work is important.

I started my blog when I was a senior in college, and I knew that all the people in my program were probably going to be applying for very similar jobs, so I needed something to separate my resume.

There's charm, in some capacity, to every trend. I just think practicality should die. Crocs - blech.

What good is a wall without framed art? It is like the equivalent of the accessories that you choose to wear to decorate a black dress - precisely the stuff that makes the wall/dress you.

One thing I didn't think upon getting married: that my style would - or could - change.

It seems inevitable, if unfair, that when a woman is vying for a prominent position in office, her outfit choices will be analyzed to a degree considerably higher than those of her male counterpart by simple existence of gender stereotypes.

Next time you look in the mirror, close your eyes and ask yourself when you feel like the best version of you. When you open them, act on that.

What a woman does or does not do to her face is personal. And as with most other things, makeup or a lack thereof can serve as either a prison or a fortress commanded by the mind: you can become a slave to it, or it can set you free.

Making the decision to embrace or to shun makeup is one that should be contingent on nothing more, nothing less, than doing what makes you feel like the best version of yourself.

I got a C in art when I was in 11th grade. That it is even possible to come out of a high school art class with a C is wondrous, especially considering the creative license we were encouraged to use to, for lack of a better axiom, color outside the lines.

I'm not comfortable leaving the apartment if the bed isn't made or a chair isn't tucked into the table.