I think the thing about New York City real estate is that you kind of just take what you can get when you're renting.

I'm really happy that people understand that man-repelling is a good thing. I was afraid people would think I was mocking fashion, and it's like, 'No, I swear, I'm wearing feathered sleeves as I write this!'

I don't say in the morning, 'Look, Leandra, here are a bunch of women. Put that bronzer down.' It's more that I'm busy and whatever helps you get out the door and go to sleep easier.

I don't necessarily see my not wearing makeup as a social comment or that it's because I work in a female-dominated industry.

I haven't worn make-up since my wedding, and my husband loves me a lot.

I gained this new sense of control over my love life because when I called myself a 'man repeller,' you assumed that being single is my choice. I'm man-repelling because that's how I want to dress. I'm not single because no men like me. I'm single because I choose fashion over a relationship.

I am loving visible bras with shirts, high-waisted pants and oversize blazers.

Sloane Crosley and David Sedaris are two of my favorite writers; they're the kind of writers who make you feel like, 'I can do this. I want to do this.'

No matter the candidate, every detail in a campaign is carefully and strategically framed for our consumption. The devil is in them.

My blog is not about repelling men, it's about good fashion.

You don't usually find an island in a New York kitchen.

Most people assume that my style is so outlandish and out there, but the reality is I like very classic pieces just rendered unusually.

Especially with Instagram, I feel reluctant to make all the photos beautiful because I don't necessarily want to send this message that life is perfect and your avocado toast is always going to be beautifully lit. I want readers to feel like the Man Repeller page is real and kind of dirty. Messy.

I wanted to be my own editor, and by 'editor,' I mean unedited-or.

The holidays are only overwhelming because it's crunch time. It's like everyone trying to get last-minute things in before the New Year starts.

I think men like things tight and simple.

I feel like alternative piercings in the ear is this untapped way to festoon yourself. Not many people understand this, but it hurts so good. It's like getting dental work done. It hurts in the right way.

Initially what defined me as a 'man repeller' was my conscious effort to wear clothing that was attractive in my opinion but not necessarily in a man's opinion.

I always grew up with the idea that in order to be a successful writer, I should have a book published.

I want Man Repeller to feel like you're waking up in the morning, you're calling your girlfriend, you don't know what she is going to say, you don't really care what she has to say, but you know you're going to like it, and you're going to laugh and hang up the phone and feel ready to take on the day with all this new knowledge.

I love manicures - I'm really into colorful nails.

As someone who has been known for the way they've been dressed, it's almost OK for me to wear New Balances and sweat pants. I'm not necessarily moulding trends, but it's OK if I'm not adhering to them.

I think, fundamentally, Man Repeller is a voice for women to connect with; they can come and try it on for size and be a part of it, and if it works for them, they take it with them.

The number one thing I would say to someone who wants to start a business is if you really can't sleep at night and smack the passion out of yourself, then go for it, but if you can live a happy life working for someone else, do that.