I can't imagine catering to an audience that doesn't also interest me.

I have always had a fleeting relationship with clothing.

Nothing's worse than oily skin.

I do not wear a lot of makeup. On social media, this seems to work both in my favor and against me.

I never thought I'd wear Birkenstocks, but here I am! Having said that, I'm pretty sure I'd never wear Crocs.

You have to keep a feeling of goodness in your exteriors.

Could Yosef be considered a Man Repeller even though he's a man? I'd love to get my hands on that techni-colored dream coat! Feels very Matthew Williamson to me.

Without getting too spiritual, God has done so much for me; the least I can do is drink Kiddush wine on a Friday night.

I'm probably most inspired by good street style that features items I already own; it's always great to see how another person wears something you have, which sort of reinvents it for you.

Nothing feels better than constructing a beautiful sentence.

Nighttime dressing is not very different from daytime dressing for me. I feel like night clothes don't get a chance to live the way day clothes do, so I prefer to think of night clothes as day clothes.

My goal is never to push anyone to do anything other than think.

I didn't actually even really know my grandmother; I must have been 3 or 4 when she died.

People always ask me how I muster the strength to be so open about things, and I explain to them that I took the Myers-Briggs test, like, four times, and every single time, I ranked an 87 percent extrovert, so it would probably take more strength for me to shut up.

I'm someone very comfortable airing out the stories of my own life. Some people call it narcissism, but for me, the intention is that it will positively affect other people.

The men who really get repelled by what you're wearing are a little shallow, and you probably don't want to date them anyway.

I understand that there are thick, dark circles under my eyes. I have grown to appreciate them. I have noticed that my nose grows a little hookier on a near-monthly basis. That's fine. I know there are wrinkles ready to stake their claim as full time residents on my forehead any moment now. My dad has those, too, and I find that endearing.

I do know that I would never - though you should never say never - work with a decorator, because I don't want to see the touch of someone else in my own space.

Fashion is used as a tool to convey a point about who we are or potentially want to be. Whether or not a civilian curates his or her own aesthetic is up that person, but it is an integral part of one's public image.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not against makeup. If I could manage looking like 'me' in a way that also read as tastefully, invisibly airbrushed, I'd sign up for that faster than you could choose a filter to do it for me.

I always wanted to make sure that I was honest to myself and that people wanted to hear an opinion that was authentic... I wanted Man Repeller to be a voice for women who felt like they didn't have a voice or for women who didn't know how to express their voice.

I knew I wanted to be a fashion writer but didn't want to contribute to the over-saturated market unless I could contribute in a meaningful way.

Part of what dressing for yourself means requires your understanding that the scrutiny of others is frankly irrelevant.

You're not stupid because you're interested in fashion, period.