I'm not a military-style guy. I'm very, like, relatable.

I'm a big fan of HIIT training and you can do it anywhere; at home, in the garden or even in the park.

I'm putting out the story of my life, all day, every day. You follow it, you think you know me. People love it. It looks like I'm having the time of my life.

You can be fit and healthy and still have fun.

I won't do ready meals because I'm teaching people how to cook. I won't do it no matter how much you pay me, you can say you'll give me £100,000 to do it, but my brand is more important than that.

I do want a big family.

I'm the man I am today because of what my dad's been through, what my mum's been through and I always had love and that's the most powerful thing you can have in life.

I'm not one to dwell on the past and have resentments.

I think kids learn from what they see.

I don't live with judgement or resentment, I don't have time for it.

I really believe you need to have some challenges in life, because you come out of it, and are better for it.

I love my mum for raising us, and I love my dad for teaching me what to avoid.

The minute you have a little bit of success, you think: 'I can do more and I can reach more people.' So as I've achieved more, I've become way more focused.

You can have an awesome physique by doing just 25 minutes exercise a day. That's all I do.

If you struggle with sleep, you'll struggle with exercise and diet.

I'm not motivated to be famous. I'm motivated to be successful. To reach people, I've got to get on TV, I've got to get in with the government, I've got to get on TV abroad.

The goal is to get people off low-calorie diets. They're struggling, they're barely eating anything. They need educating.

I used to think I wanted to be a PE teacher and I worked as a school teaching assistant for a year, but it wasn't for me.

The most offensive thing is when people say, 'Everything you do is for the money.'

I've got freakishly large big toes. They look like the ace of spades.

One thing I had more than anything, I had love and support from my mum and dad. My mum used to say: 'I don't care if you become a dustman or a doctor, you can be who you want.'

I had quite a chaotic home life, it wasn't stable, my diet wasn't great. I was never an overweight child, but I had behavioural issues. I think that was linked to my upbringing and not having a great start with my nutrition.

I want to be the person who completely transformed the health of the nation.

Unconditional love is so important for people with addiction.