Start early and hydrate as soon as you wake up.

My mum is a social worker and my dad's a roofer. My brother Nicky and I were the first two in my family to go to university.

I wasn't born ambitious, but I am ambitious now.

If you're a likable person and you're passionate, then people are drawn to that wherever you are in the world.

You don't need a gym or lots of equipment to get fit and healthy.

If you're really unfit and you want to get into fitness, just starting at home with some really basic, gentle stuff is going to build up your confidence and your fitness. This way, if you do decide to join a gym, you're not going to be really intimidated and just run out the door.

If I was going to get stuck living, exercising and eating anywhere, it would have to be Italy. I've been to Sardinia and Tuscany and the food was unreal.

My aim is always just to get one person a day to exercise and cook healthy food.

Your baby is your baby and you are free to feed them however you like. Try not to compare your child to others. This is your journey and you can take it at your own pace. Whichever style of weaning you decide to go for is your choice, and remember: all children eventually do learn to eat with a knife and fork.

Oh, I love a good burger, I really do. With chips and a beer and ice cream afterwards.

I applied the same mentality to my social media as I did when I was doing my boot camps. I thought, well, no one's watching, but I'll keep adding value, putting out good recipes, funny workouts and good videos. And it grew and grew.

I do love my dad, we have a great relationship now but there were years when he was absent and it was my mum that raised me.

I don't do politics.

The diet industry pushes these low calorie, calorie-counting diets, and that's what I want to release people from.

I love a feelgood Taylor Swift or Katy Perry pop tune.

I don't know Russell Brand but I like him a lot. I think he's a good guy.

Plan your workouts in advance and try and stick to them like appointments you can't miss.

I live my life online: I don't have many secrets.

My goal is to take the nutrition world globally. You've got chefs who do their chef thing, you've got fitness trainers who do the fitness stuff but I'm the only one who does both.

I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!

Cooking at home with fresh ingredients means you know what's going into your food.

I grew up on a council estate, but I still had a roof over my head, we still had food, I went on school trips. I wasn't completely deprived.

My mum loved housework, she basically had OCD.

My top tips for deep sleep are to switch off your laptop and mobile at least 30 minutes before bed and leave them in another room. Ditch the bedroom TV; listen to music instead. Get a comfortable eye mask. It takes getting used to, but trust me, it will allow you to sleep deeper and longer.