I'm always giving out such a positive message that I never really get attacked. There's not much you can attack me for.

A golden rule? Do not come food shopping when you're starving hungry and craving stuff. You'll fill your basket with all the naughty things you probably wouldn't eat.

Finger foods can help little ones to explore food at their own pace. They are also great for helping them to develop hand-eye coordination and encouraging them to try out a variety of textures.

I'm staying fit to stay mentally strong.

I've never thought much about energy, or a higher power, or the driving force behind someone's purpose.

When I've stopped doing workouts and YouTube videos, I want this content that I've created to be used in schools all around the world. This is what I want to be remembered for.

I've never made a penny from any of the school stuff I've done. I've had brands asking me if they can sponsor my channel for a year, stuff like that. But I've never monetised it. My books and my 90-Day Plan are my business.

That would be the most powerful thing I've ever achieved, if I can take a kid who doesn't like exercise and get them to enjoy it. That would be the ultimate, ultimate achievement for me.

I want mums and dads to get up together and train with the kids, exercise, have fun together and connect through fitness.

I was quite hyperactive as a young kid, and then when I got to high school I was just the class clown. I didn't have much of an attention span.

I never really had an overweight body.

If you had met me as a kid you would have never predicted me to be a success. I had a pretty ropey upbringing and you might have thought I'd have gone the other way.

Think of your body like a car: a glass of water first thing in the morning is like starting your engine.

People underestimate the impact of lack of sleep; not only will the intensity of your workouts suffer, but you are likely to crave sugary foods the next day.

I just don't regret anything I've gone through or anything I have been through with my mum and dad, I'm just proud of who I am.

My office is my house.

Lots of kids don't have active lives and good diets.

Well, I started my career as a personal trainer. So I did one-to-one, you know, outdoors, at people's houses and then obviously boot camps and stuff, which I love.

I work with my brother and best mates, but I wouldn't give any old plonker a job. With success, I've been able to spend more time with family and be financially supportive in a way I never thought I could.

I like getting fresh air.

As a kid I had a very unhealthy diet. I try not to place any blame. Mum was uneducated in cooking. She left school and home at 15, had my older brother when she was 17 and me at 19. It was usually frozen meals and lots of cola, peanut butter, jam sandwiches, sweets and loads of chocolates.

I think I've opened up my mind to all foods, except tinned tuna. I can't stand that. I will not go near it; the smell is unbearable.

I like going to the cinema or theatre, followed by a meal and cocktails. I'm typically home by midnight; I used to be a raver but not now, unless I'm on the boys' trips to Vegas, Dubai or Miami.

Eat carbs such as sweet potato or jasmine rice within one hour of your workout. Cut down on them on rest days when you don't need the extra fuel.