You put a big smile on your face and work hard and work to improve every single day.

A smile is like an instant facelift and an instant mood lift.

In Paris, you're as far as possible from the land of pleasant smiles.

I think a smile can make your whole body. Models, they look fabulous, but they don't smile, and they look so mad.

Why do you smile all the time?" he said. "Because I am looking at you," she said

When he smiled the fear flew away in little pieces of light...

His smile was the nightmare in my back pocket.(Speaking about Ronald Reagan)

He was looking at her from behind the smiling that wasn't smiling but was something you were not supposed to see beyond.

The old man smiled. 'I shall not die of a cold, my son. I shall die of having lived.

Sweat – Smile – and repeat.

With businesses, you go to the same places because you like the service, you like the people and they take care of you. They greet you with a smile. That's how people want to be treated, with respect. That's what I tell my employees - customer service is very important.

God blessed me with two unbelievable parents, and I am just like both of them. I have the smile and charisma of my mother and the big heart of my mom, because she wants to save the world and help the world, so I am just like her.

I got blessed from my mom. She's the personality; she's the one who smiled, so I took on part of her, and who also wanted to help and save the world. Then I took on part of my dad, who is tough.

People see me high-fivin' and smiling on the court, and they don't think that's me. But it is. I just want to go out and be myself.

Even as a fierce competitor I try to smile.

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.

We're putting on a show, and if I'm dancing and having fun, you can take a shot of the crowd, and they've got smiles glued to their faces.

It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine ... it's summertime!

"Why did I join the force? I repeat, - Oh I'd have to say that it was due to police oppression. I'd witnessed it within my own community and decided that it was something I wanted to be part of, I smile."

"Gillman smiles, in the cold manner of an assassin. It's like looking in the mirror."

"Going around second, I really didn't feel anything. I was just trying not to smile or laugh running around the bases, because I wanted to. It was a cool experience, but I'm sure there's probably not a good chance of that happening anymore this year."

"The smile you give is the smile you get back."

"The less important you are in an office, the more they expect the happy smile."

"I think that laughter and smiling are some of the best antidotes to ageing that you could possibly have. In general, I pretty much think of myself as still being about 5."