I'll admit that I enjoyed my 20s more than my teens, my 30s more than my 20s.

A good laundry room with storage can make life easier.

Justin Timberlake is one of our style icons - he does both formal and casual perfectly.

We really find that most houses we look at - that are really rough around the edges - most of those are actually diamonds in the rough. They could be beautiful, and it just takes a little creativity and having the right people on board.

I am a Christmas nerd. Christmas is my favorite holiday.

I love classic Christmas. I love just warmth and a little bit of glam. You gotta have the silvers and the golds and what not, but I go a little overboard.

Drew pretty much eats all gluten free. I go for flavor over cardboard.

I'm four minutes older. Of all the competitions in our life, I won the first one. Though Drew is a quarter inch taller.

Hiking, scuba diving - I just love getting out and doing things.

People think because you're a celebrity, because you're on TV, because you're 'People Magazine''s Sexiest Men Alive, things like that, that we're bathing in champagne and taking limos door to door. But we're literally the same guys, just with much busier schedules.

I'm very good at relaxing.

When the economy collapsed, our construction company was in Calgary, but the U.S. was further along in the recession, so I made the move down to Vegas.

Drew's a total wimp.

I just felt like women love musicians, so I thought that we should become musicians. It'll help my dating life.

Growing up, we were in a strict household, so we weren't allowed to have posters of our crushes and stuff on the wall - mine was Cristina Applegate.

Failure is part of success, and nobody should ever view failure as a bad thing as long as you learn from it.

We became amazed with Property Brothers at how many kids watch and love the show. We'll even have 4- and 5-year-olds walk up on the street and say, 'Mom and Dad, look: it's the Property Brothers.'

There are probably less than 100 actors who make more than we do across our empire.

Sometimes you're running toward your target so hard that you don't stop to reassess.

Of all the success and everything we've achieved, I think I'll be a great dad.

I love kids, and I get along great with kids.

Being married was a huge part of my life. I spent six and a half years with someone, and it didn't work. Anyone in a long-term relationship knows how hard that is.

We're not pretending to be somebody else. We're being ourselves; we're doing what we do, and people have trust that they put in that, that we won't compromise on our ideals. And it really paid off.

Drew and I have always been very analytical at looking at the business opportunities. We're entrepreneurs through and through.