I was born, and the doctor left. And then the nurse is like, 'Doctor, I think there's another one.'

I think that's why we do well with 'Property Brothers.' It's our charisma with each other and with the audience. We've always been great storytellers.

Honestly, I stay in a lot of hotels, and it makes me miss my bed.

There's no reason your outdoor furniture should look like cheap plastic that will blow over or break in two seconds.

I want to ride a unicorn.

We were pretty fortunate that we lived in a very supportive household, so our mom and dad, they didn't care what we did. They just wanted us to do something. Whatever we're passionate about, they would support us.

Ever since I was a kid and watched magicians on stage, like David Copperfield or Siegfried and Roy, I instantly knew how they did everything. In my head, it just all worked.

Slow and steady is the way we built our brand, and I think that's why it's one of the leading home space brands.

Drew never argues with me because I carry very heavy power tools all the time.

I've been asked twice to go on 'The Bachelor' - and once in Canada as well -and I was like, 'It would literally be my nightmare to be put on display and dated out.' It's the opposite of anything I have ever wanted.

I feel like there's an opportunity for a show called 'Property Brother.' No, I think our brand is definitely stronger together. When he sits on your head in the womb for 9 months, you're connected.

I just want to be around people who bring energy, and when you walk away, you feel good about yourself and good about them.

We have always been dreamers, and we are admittedly overachievers, and coming out of high school, we didn't want to be struggling artists.

Drew is a shopaholic. He must have 400 suits and 180 pairs of shoes. I have three pairs of jeans, and that's it. I shop in his closet and take anything I want.

Sometimes life takes you on unexpected paths, and those paths aren't always in the same direction.

I don't make my bed. At the end of a day of going to construction sites, the last thing I want to do is move 10 pillows off the bed.

You don't need a great green thumb in order to make something look nice. A lot of times, it's just about cleaning up the weeds and trimming back the shrubs.

We're the house that's playing Christmas music by November 1.

Paint and new flooring are simple refreshers. But it's not worth it to update all the kitchen cabinets if it's still the same bad layout.

The first time I had my dreams crushed was when I was scammed, and somebody stole all of my magic props. I was a teenager, and I had put all my money into that. I had literally wanted to be the next David Copperfield. And that was all taken away.

We stay on top of design styles and aren't afraid to take on new challenges.

I don't trust people who don't like dogs.

As comfortable as I am being single, nothing beats sharing your happiness with someone you love.

The big message I give to all of our clients, and anyone we lecture to, is you have to be smart with your money.