Your home should make your life easier.

I'm not a gambler or a nightclub guy.

It's very strange to wake up in my own bed, as weird as that sounds, because I'm always on the road.

Nothing will make a place feel unlike home like chaos.

We do believe that your home can make your life easier, but there needs to be something that wells you up inside - whether it's that you can see your family growing and expanding, and it has the perfect nursery, or maybe that you want to be that neighborhood hub where all the kids in the community come over, and they can play.

Some people, you can see that they're in a house just because it functions OK for them. It checks the boxes for certain things that they need, but you can tell that they're not emotionally connected to the house.

If I go to Lowe's, people will follow me up and down the aisle with kitchen plans and samples.

We have incredibly talented fans. Anytime we receive fan art or especially if they post it online and tag us, we usually share that with everybody else.

I would say, at least once a week, I get approached by a pro athlete or a celebrity or someone who wants some work done.

Open concept bathrooms are not the greatest.

I have said to myself that if I don't find the right person, I think I would probably adopt on my own, because I think I would be a great dad.

I want to be a dad, so it's important for me to have a partner who would play a key role in that.

I've dated a lot in my life, and I've dated every kind of person you can imagine.

The sole purpose of the bedroom is to melt away any stressors.

Two fundamental rules in the bedroom: one is you do not work in the bedroom. You should not have a workstation, laptop, or business papers around, because as soon as you look at that, you're stressed. I love having a sitting area where you can read a book, but that's it. The other is no clutter.

One of the biggest mistakes I see in the bedroom is that they plan to be doing things other than sleeping in the bedroom. They will have a desk in there for working, or they'll have a big shelf in there for storing things. It should be all about relaxing.

Because I live and breathe design every day, sometimes I will come across an idea that is something I want to try. It often comes from an old hotel or an old restaurant, and I will adapt it to be residential.

Drew definitely has great design taste. He knows what looks good in a space, and he knows how to put together a design.

I was actually asked to do the Christmas design for the White House. I thought it would be interesting, given that it has such a rich history, to decorate around some real beautiful oversized images of the history of the White House and the history of the country.

The worst is, a friend will invite me over, and she'll say, 'Hey, you've been working so hard. I'll make you dinner. It'll be great.' I'm like, 'That's so sweet! Thank you!' And I'll come over, and she's got hardwood samples laid out! She's using me!

At the end of the day, coming home to that one person that you know has your back, there's no better feeling.

I'm very blessed in a lot of ways. I can buy what I want, and I can go anywhere in the world.

I'm not an extremely social person in general because I don't love crowds, but I'm an engaging person, and I love good conversation.

It's okay to learn from your mistakes, and it's okay to be human.