"Be 100% Responsible for Your Little Me"

“3 months from now, you will thank yourself."

I never loved another person the way I loved myself.

I'm single because I was born that way.

I always wished that I could find someone as beautiful as you, but in the process I forgot that I was special too.

For me, being raised in a free America made all the difference.

Everybody know, I don't do no promoting. I don't ever have to promote nothing, that's the beauty of Lil Wayne.

At the end of the day, you won't be happy unil you love yourself.

"But it's often been the case, I've done so many countless small, independent films that really 3.2 people have seen, so you never know. You do it for the joy of the part and not necessarily expect anyone to see the final product."

"Am I a good example? Well, at least I'm not too thin. I eat."

"I'm a very good sleeper."

"I'm a very good sleeper."

"I'm not a big drinking person and hardly ever have alcohol. Perhaps it's not sweet enough for my sweet tooth."

"Remember that the most important thing is to try and love other people as much as they love you."

"I love things made out of animals. It's just so funny to think of someone saying, "I need a letter opener. I guess I'll have to kill a deer."

"Responsibility is a grace you give yourself not an obligation"

"It always seems to me that I should feel well in the place where I am not."

"All of a sudden I had a baby, because it went really quick. It was like, 'Oh! I have a baby!' So, it's great. I'm just having a great time with my children. They're here in New York with me."

"I can't tell a joke to save my soul. It's just not my thing, though I love to listen to jokes."

"My first book was an open letter to my three daughters."

"I love 'Modern Family.' And I love 'Glee' - the singing, the music - Jane Lynch just kills me."

"Perhaps the depth of love can be calibrated by the number of different selves that are actively involved in a given relationship."

"She had studied the universe all her life, but had overlooked its clearest message: For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love."