"If you're co-founder or CEO, you have to do all kinds of tasks you might not want to do... If you don't do your chores, the company won't succeed... No task is too menial."

"A company is a group organized to create a product or service, and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating. I do want to recognize a ton of super-talented people. I just happen to be the face of the companies."

"I don't think it's a good idea to plan to sell a company."

"Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product."

It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.

We are a company that lives and breathes a philosophy that's centered on not only making sound business decisions but also personally and professionally finding ways to contribute to the well being of society. We are also a company that understands community.

With businesses, you go to the same places because you like the service, you like the people and they take care of you. They greet you with a smile. That's how people want to be treated, with respect. That's what I tell my employees - customer service is very important.

I really want people to know that I've worked hard, very hard, to get to where I am today.. this didn't just happen overnight. I started in business over 25 years ago and have found a way to build on what I've learned through every partnership and opportunity.

I tell people to look at me and understand that everybody first told me that I couldn't be a 6-foot, 9-inch point guard, and I proved them wrong. Then they told me I couldn't be a businessman and make money in urban America, and I proved them wrong. And they thought I couldn't win all these championships, and I proved them wrong there as well.

I am a businessman. This is what I do each and every day. I love it. I love coming to work. I never have a bad day.

When you are a successful business person, you are only as good as your team. No one can do every deal alone.

I'm a businessman, and what I know is numbers and business.

My having HIV has no bearing on my business.

If the community is happy, then they support your business and if your business is doing well, then you can give back even more to the community.

Being able to touch so many people through my businesses and make money while doing it, is a huge blessing.

If you hate to lose, you do whatever you need to do to make sure you're business is successful.

I've always studied business. Even when I was a ball player, I'd read business journals and the business sections of newspapers.

I love business. I love helping urban communities grow. I love putting people to work of color. I love making sure - like right now the whole mortgage crisis, I want to help people get back into their homes.

Really, I have to laugh because there was a whole set of stories that made me sound like the Dragon Lady, you know, 'tough this and tough that.' Then there is this business about 'gooey.' The bottom line is I am a pragmatic idealist.

The CIA is made up of boys whose families sent them to Princeton but wouldn't let them into the family brokerage business.

My dad is very successful in his business. He's always been big in having hobbies and having little ways to get away. He always made time for hunting and fishing. He always encouraged me to do it.

You want women to think of you in a sexy manner. It's all part of the business. It drives ticket sales. It's all a part of it.

The people of the United States are more prosperous…because their government embarked later than other governments…upon the policy of obstructing business

The function of money is to facilitate the business of the market by acting as a common medium of exchange.