"System to all things is the soul of business. To execute properly and act maturely is the way to conduct it to your advantage."

"If you had all the small businesses who employed 1.5 million people collectively, would there be individual instances of issues?"

"If we take care of the customers and associates and grow the business, Wall Street will be pleased."

"Music is spiritual. The music business is not."

"My business is, with all my might to serve my own generation; in doing so I shall best serve the next generation, should the Lord Jesus tarry... The longer I live, the more I am enabled to realize that I have but one life to live on earth, and that this one life is but a brief life, for sowing, in comparison with eternity, for reaping."

"Without a sense of teamwork I think it's really hard to build a great business."

"(The contestants are) going to get real business lessons, real business advice and, day in and day out, tasks that are difficult and challenging and they're going to be aware of what it takes to be an apprentice at Martha Stewart Living."

"Guess there'll be a lot of business once the rebuilding begins."

"Half the time men think they are talking business, they are wasting time."

"If I don't get along with Democrats, I'm sort of, like, out of business."

"The way I run my business seems to be easier than the way I run my life."

"Leave the President's family business to him. You will have plenty to do without trying to manage the First Family. They are likely to do fine without your help."

"At Microsoft, we're investing heavily in security because we want customers to be able to trust their computing experiences, so they can realize the full benefits of the interconnected world we live in."

"We need to deliver a breakthrough version of Windows that allows PCs and servers to support these next-generation services and host them out there on the Internet,"

"In this world, it should be easy for me to tell my travel agent Web site to make sure to update my calendar with my trip and to page my mother if my flight is going to be more than an hour late."

"Ford shared this vision. We are inviting more players to join in."

"There will be much closer relationships with telecom equipment makers, telecom service providers, software companies and PC companies occurring over the next few years, ... When we invested in AT&T, we invested in a partnership to secure the future of video services."

"More than ever, Microsoft's growth opportunities abound as a result of our strong product innovation pipeline, ... Kevin's leadership of global technology, sales, marketing and services will help us ensure we harness this potential and fully realize the growth opportunities before us."

"How are we going to go after the search market? The good old fashioned way, with innovation,"

"offered far more choices and benefits to consumers."

"Bill brings to the company the idea that conflict can be a good thing,"

"Today's announcements underscore our commitment to executing decisively and rapidly in the online services space by forming a seasoned management team that is dedicated to improving and facilitating commerce for consumers,"

"In general, 50 percent of searches do not lead to the desired outcome. Does anybody not believe that the search experience is going to be dramatically better 10 years from now? Does anybody deny it would be nice to search within the enterprise and outside the enterprise?"

"Given the excitement and enthusiasm from many of the game developing companies here in Japan, I expect us to do quite well,"