I'm telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true

"All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies."

“Given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying around, I’d rather lie around. No contest. —ERIC CLAPTON” 

"Of course they are a pack of lies."

"Lying is a terrible thing in any circumstances,"

"How many beginnings before you see the lies in your excitement?"

"Some nights I need to be held. Tonight I'm a listener. So nice to lie in rumpled sheets and listen. Cover me with words."

"I don't lie. I would never stuff my bra because it's going to come off and the truth is going to be revealed. I don't like that padding. I try to be completely - if not brutally - honest."

"A good portion of speaking will consist in knowing how to lie."

"The mirror can lie, it doesn't show you what's inside"

"All I do is lie, and that has made me immune to compliments."

"I suppose it can be truthfully said that Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for veracity"

"Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Why me?", then a voice answers "Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up."

"‎"she’ mad but she’ magic. there’ no lie in her fire."

"The insatiable thirst for everything which lies beyond, & which life reveals is the most living proof of our immortality."

"Acting is also working with people who invite you into their dreams and trust you with their innermost being."

"Temperament lies behind mood; behind will, lies the fate of character. Then behind both, the influence of family the tyranny of culture; and finally the power of climate and environment; and we are free, only to the extent we rise above these."

"I'm not going to lie. I rarely wear sunblock."

"Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty"

"When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door."

"The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them."

"Weaklings must lie."

"Lies are infinite in number, and the truth so small and singular."

"Must not understanding lie open unto wisdom as the pyramids lie open to the stars? (6:2)"