"Discover the times when you're most creative - mornings, nights, afternoons - and clear the time to work then. Many writers find the mornings are best, and the afternoons are only good for editorial corrections, or getting the washing done. Others can only work through the night, drunk."

"It's a very rich brew that's in your psyche by the time you're in your 60s, and I think that's rather interesting. It makes you feel you've lived a very long life; it's like going on holiday to three different cities rather than spending two weeks in Lisbon. You look back on the holiday, and you seem to have been away forever."

"Living together places a huge burden on the other person to be lover, friend, entertainments manager, chef, domestic help, which is almost impossible and can lead to disappointment. If you don't live together, you spend more time with other people and ease the pressure off your lover."

"The focus should be on the players. I'm here a long time. You can call me in the summer. Our seniors will be gone."

"Why would I worry about getting older - what's to moan about?"

"The only time I did not know how to be, physically, was when I lost a lot of weight. That was the only time I didn't understand my body."

"I'm known among my friends for saying things I probably shouldn't sometimes, but I have to get things out in the air."

"My approach to parenting is that everything is open - everything. I'm not very good at covert, or subtle, and I've had to learn timing. I do blunder in a bit."

"Turn up your radio. Watch lots of telly and eat loads of choc. Feel guilty. Stay up all night. Learn everything in six hours that has taken you two years to compile. That's how I did it."

"I don't read novels whilst I'm writing one; I just haven't got a wide enough brain to concentrate on incoming and outgoing in the same time zone."

"Given enough time, I guess anything can look good. All it has to do is survive."

"Time is a river, and books are boats."

"In New York, you walk everywhere, so you're amongst people all of the time, and everybody is in a hurry and going somewhere or has something on their minds. And in L.A., it's still much more of a laid-back life, at least in my experience."

"Being a known person is pretty much all I've known. I don't remember much of a time when people didn't know who I was."

"My girlfriend is much better than I am at working hard then resting, and she demands that from me, too. She insists on having time when we don't do anything. We leave the housework and watch a movie."

"We've all seen the mom who devotes all her time and attention to her child and is so hungry for adult interaction that as soon as she's around another adult, she's not paying attention anymore."

"My creed is that; Happiness is the only good. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to make others so."

"At 46 one must be a miser; only have time for essentials."

"Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time."

"Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate."

"Time partially reconciles us to anything."

"Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year."

"Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use."

"Riches are chiefly good because they give us time."