Happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.

I just read a wonderful paper by Lenard on the generation of cathode rays by ultraviolet light. Under the influence of this beautiful piece, I am filled with such happiness and joy that I absolutely must share some of it with you.

There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.

Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.

Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.

Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.

Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.

The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.

Beauty intoxicates the eyes, as wine does the body; both are morally fatal if indulged.

If you foolishly ignore beauty, then you will soon find yourself without it.

I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of beauty.

Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad.

When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.

The criterion of true beauty is that it increases on examination; of false, that it lessens.

Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.

Pure design appeals to the eye just as absolute music appeals to the ear.

All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.

What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible.

Plainness has its peculiar temptations quite as much as beauty.

Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being.