For a bill to become law, it truly has to be the will of the people, and for a president to stop the will of the people and stop what you're trying to do in your state is not the role of Washington.

I'm very proud of the way that I was raised, I'm very proud of the way that my parents raised me.

Courage doesn't come by doing what everybody else says. Courage does by what you know is right.

Our forefathers paved the way for us. Let's take their values and their strengths and rededicate ourselves to doing whatever it takes to keep America the greatest country in the history of man.

My brother and I have converted to Christianity, and my other brother and sister are still Sikh. So for me, it's not something that I ever want to be judgmental on. I know my parents are two people of a very strong faith. I respect all that they've done in raising their four kids and in the opportunities that they've given us.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mitt Romney for several years now. There's so much to appreciate about him. He fixes things. He's results-driven. He's taken broken companies and made them successful.

Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference. That is just not true. Often, the best thing we can do is turn down the volume. When the sound is quieter, you can actually hear what someone else is saying. And that can make a world of difference.

We, as a party, are colour-blind.

I believe that the ability to talk to people and have them feeling engaged rather than patronised isn't something you can learn. It's a bit like being able to sing or play cricket. You can either do it, or you can't.

I judge everybody on the Farage Test. Number one, would I employ them? Number two, would I go for a drink with them?

No one did more singlehandedly to smash the BNP in Britain than me.

When you get back control of your country, you get proper democracy. You get back proper debate.

There are millions out there who aren't getting an even break. They're being done down.

There are little games that go on in politics.

I can distinctly remember being the only boy in my class whose parents had separated.

I don't look back at anything. I look forwards.

That Obama creature - loathsome individual - he couldn't stand our country.

I like to think I've changed the centre of gravity on lots of national debates.

Perhaps our own opposition to even the level of European integration we have now, let alone any more, is well known.

Having established that good ideas do indeed come in from the cold, start on the fringes and become mainstream, can we make any predictions about what the next move will be?

If an idea is indeed sensible, it will eventually become just part of the accepted wisdom.

I believe I can lead this party from the front as a campaigning organization.

I have invested the best part of my adult political life in helping to try to build up this movement and I am far from perfect but I do think I am able, through the media, to deliver a good, simple, understandable message.

British chancellor is telling the rest of Europe it must abandon democracy. It's appalling.