Although I never wanted Theresa May to be our Prime Minister, I had been prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt.

For seven years, I had a business relationship in Milan, Milano. Dealing with Italians, just, let me tell you... Are we the same? Good lord, no! That's why Europe's fun - it's fun because it's different. A political project that seeks to make it all the same - it's ghastly.

I've got to see the Brexit process through. we won the war, but we must win the peace.

Hopefully, through all aspects of life, you learn from things you've got right, things you've got wrong, but I'm not one for looking back. I'm looking ahead; you've got to.

I think that, given that some people feel very embarrassed by it, it isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that's not openly ostentatious.

There are a lot of great people in UKIP.

If you poke the Russian bear with a stick ,he will respond.

I'm not for sale.

I'm the catalyst for the downfall of the Blairites, the Clintonites, the Bushites, and all these dreadful people who work hand in glove with Goldman Sachs and everybody else, have made themselves rich, and ruined our countries. I couldn't be happier.

When I'm finished with politics, I'll have a richer life. I'd like to go to the theatre.

In some ways, backing the Trump campaign was even harder than battling for Brexit. I received almost total condemnation, including from many senior figures in my own party.

I think NATO needs to redefine itself. There has been no substantial thought about what NATO is for since the Berlin Wall came down.

We must break up the eurozone. We must set those Mediterranean countries free.

Brexit will happen.

However imperfect Donald Trump may be, -and, my goodness, he is - his mother was Scottish; he owns Turnberry. He spends a lot of time in our country - he loves our country, what we stand for, and our culture.

It's amazing how ideas start out, isn't it?

Post-Brexit, we got a chance to start all over again with a president in Trump, who is Anglophile. He is pro-British. He knows the things we've shared together over the years - the good and the bad.

If you take away people's identity and their ability through the ballot box to determine their future, don't be surprised if they turn to extremes or violence or anything else.

Being over-rehearsed is very bad. It is stilted. The public see that.

It's about mass immigration at a time when 21% of young people can't find work. It's about giving £50 million a day to the EU when the public finances are under great strain.

We used to fight for democracy. Democracy used to matter. We now treat it with contempt. We have turned our backs on values that we built up over hundreds of years, for the benefit of politicians in Europe. To me, that is heartbreaking.

I just say it as I see it, behave as I do. If people don't like it, they can take a running jump.

The referendum was clear: the British people voted to leave the single market and to take back control of our borders.

I have to confess I do have a slight preference. I do think, naturally, that people from India and Australia are in some ways more likely to speak English, understand common law, and have a connection with this country than some people that come perhaps from countries that haven't fully recovered from being behind the Iron Curtain.