There is a debate in Ukip as to how strong we should be on the immigration issue. I personally think we should own it.

But there's certainly only one thing I could never agree with George Galloway on. He's a teetotaller and wants to close all the bars in the House of Commons. That is just not on.

UKIP believe that immigration can be an extremely positive thing. But it has to be controlled.

My vision is to put this country and the British people first and for us to divorce ourselves from political union and re-engage with the rest of the world.

This Constitution does not reflect the thoughts, hopes and aspirations of ordinary people. It does nothing for jobs or economic growth and widens further still the democratic deficit.

The E.U. referendum was promised by a Conservative Prime Minister fearful of losing votes and of mass defections to UKIP.

I've stood down as UKIP leader. I'm not responsible for these people anymore.

Whatever my faults, I have some principles.

I suppose, being in politics, it wasn't a job - it was almost a calling. It dominated my life, so I do think that probably a lot of people around me have paid quite a big price for that.

It's a two-way street: breastfeeding women should never be embarrassed by staff asking them to stop, and most mums will recognise the need to be discreet in certain limited circumstances.

There are two completely different Britains. There's London, and there's the rest of Britain. Attitudes are very different.

There is no Left and Right any more. Left and Right is irrelevant... We need big change. We've got to get back control of our country.

Potentially, I would be very interested in being a shock jock, though Ofcom might be tricky. Some of the American stuff is appalling, wild stuff, crazy conspiracy theories.

It's about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It's about health and safety regulations and green fines.

Before, Europe was about treaties, laws and our sovereign right to govern ourselves. Now, it's about everyday lives.

The people who get up earliest in the morning have the highest propensity to vote UKIP. I'm being absolutely serious about that.

I've always been the outsider. I've always been regarded as some extraordinarily dangerous figure. I'm none of those things! I'm just a middle-class boy from Kent who likes cricket and who happened to have a strong view about a supernational government from Brussels.

The only people to whom myself and the immigration issue is toxic are to the well-heeled committed Remain voters, the sort of people who live in the Hannan and Carswell world.

Normally, when New York catches a cold, London sneezes.

We have a Conservative leader that believes in green taxes, that won't bring back grammar schools, that believes in continuing with total open-door migration from eastern Europe and refuses to give us a referendum on the EU.

I spent 17 years inside an institution trying to effectively destroy it; can you imagine how popular I am in Brussels? I am the most hated figure that's ever been in that place. Every time I get up to speak, hundreds of people boo and jeer.

Donald Trump believes in nation-state democracy; Hillary Clinton used the E.U. as a prototype for a larger global union. Donald Trump believes in sensible immigration controls.

I'm not giving up politics entirely - I'm just giving up leadership of a political party.

When an Occupy demo in the centre of Frankfurt makes world news, I shall hurry to join in.